Title: [127727] trunk
2012-09-06 04:05:27 -0700 (Thu, 06 Sep 2012)

Log Message

Refactor CalendarPicker to not use global variables.

Reviewed by Kent Tamura.


Introduce CalendarPicker so we can have multiple Pickers in one page
popup in the future.

No new tests. No behavior change.

* Resources/pagepopups/calendarPicker.js:
* Resources/pagepopups/colorSuggestionPicker.js:
* Resources/pagepopups/pickerCommon.js:


* fast/forms/date/calendar-picker-appearance-pre-100.html:

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog (127726 => 127727)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog	2012-09-06 11:02:11 UTC (rev 127726)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog	2012-09-06 11:05:27 UTC (rev 127727)
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+2012-09-06  Keishi Hattori  <kei...@webkit.org>
+        Refactor CalendarPicker to not use global variables.
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=95830
+        Reviewed by Kent Tamura.
+        * fast/forms/date/calendar-picker-appearance-pre-100.html:
 2012-09-06  Mikhail Pozdnyakov  <mikhail.pozdnya...@intel.com>
         [EFL] Gardening after r127620, r127698 and r127704

Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/fast/forms/date/calendar-picker-appearance-pre-100.html (127726 => 127727)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/fast/forms/date/calendar-picker-appearance-pre-100.html	2012-09-06 11:02:11 UTC (rev 127726)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/fast/forms/date/calendar-picker-appearance-pre-100.html	2012-09-06 11:05:27 UTC (rev 127727)
@@ -8,16 +8,17 @@
 <div id="console"></div>
 <input type=date id=date value="0002-02-02">
-function sendKey(input, keyName) {
+function sendKey(element, keyName) {
     var event = document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent');
     event.initKeyboardEvent('keydown', true, true, document.defaultView, keyName);
-    input.dispatchEvent(event);
+    element.dispatchEvent(event);
 function finishTest() {
     pickerWindow.removeEventListener('resize', finishTest);
-    sendKey(pickerWindow.global.daysTable._daysContainer, 'Right');
-    sendKey(pickerWindow.global.daysTable._daysContainer, 'Enter');
+    var daysContainer = pickerWindow.document.getElementsByClassName("days-area")[0];
+    sendKey(daysContainer, 'Right');
+    sendKey(daysContainer, 'Enter');
     shouldBe('document.getElementById("date").value', '"0002-02-03"');
     setTimeout(function() { finishJSTest(); }, 0);

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog (127726 => 127727)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2012-09-06 11:02:11 UTC (rev 127726)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2012-09-06 11:05:27 UTC (rev 127727)
@@ -1,3 +1,53 @@
+2012-09-06  Keishi Hattori  <kei...@webkit.org>
+        Refactor CalendarPicker to not use global variables.
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=95830
+        Reviewed by Kent Tamura.
+        Introduce CalendarPicker so we can have multiple Pickers in one page
+        popup in the future.
+        No new tests. No behavior change.
+        * Resources/pagepopups/calendarPicker.js:
+        (initialize):
+        (resetMain):
+        (openCalendarPicker):
+        (CalendarPicker):
+        (CalendarPicker.prototype._layout):
+        (CalendarPicker.prototype.handleToday):
+        (CalendarPicker.prototype.handleClear):
+        (CalendarPicker.prototype.fixWindowSize):
+        (CalendarPicker.prototype._layoutButtons):
+        (YearMonthController):
+        (YearMonthController.prototype.attachTo):
+        (YearMonthController.prototype._redraw):
+        (YearMonthController.prototype._handleYearMonthChange):
+        (YearMonthController.prototype.moveRelatively):
+        (DaysTable):
+        (DaysTable.prototype.attachTo):
+        (CalendarPicker.prototype.stepMismatch):
+        (CalendarPicker.prototype.outOfRange):
+        (CalendarPicker.prototype.isValidDate):
+        (DaysTable.prototype._renderMonth):
+        (DaysTable.prototype._navigateToMonth):
+        (DaysTable.prototype._maybeSetPreviousMonth):
+        (DaysTable.prototype._maybeSetNextMonth):
+        (DaysTable.prototype._handleDayClick):
+        (DaysTable.prototype._handleKey):
+        (CalendarPicker.prototype._handleBodyKeyDown):
+        * Resources/pagepopups/colorSuggestionPicker.js:
+        (ColorPicker):
+        (ColorPicker.prototype._layout):
+        (ColorPicker.prototype._handleKeyDown):
+        (ColorPicker.prototype._handleSwatchClick):
+        * Resources/pagepopups/pickerCommon.js:
+        (Picker):
+        (Picker.prototype.submitValue):
+        (Picker.prototype.handleCancel):
+        (Picker.prototype.chooseOtherColor):
 2012-09-06  Simon Hausmann  <simon.hausm...@nokia.com>
         [Qt] Fix build with ANGLE on platforms that provide EGL/GLESv2

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/Resources/pagepopups/calendarPicker.js (127726 => 127727)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/Resources/pagepopups/calendarPicker.js	2012-09-06 11:02:11 UTC (rev 127726)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/Resources/pagepopups/calendarPicker.js	2012-09-06 11:05:27 UTC (rev 127727)
@@ -276,23 +276,73 @@
         resizeWindow(main.offsetWidth, main.offsetHeight);
     } else {
         global.params = args;
-        checkLimits();
-        layout();
+        openCalendarPicker();
+    }
-        var initialDate = parseDateString(args.currentValue);
-        if (initialDate < global.minimumDate)
-            initialDate = global.minimumDate;
-        else if (initialDate > global.maximumDate)
-            initialDate = global.maximumDate;
-        global.daysTable.selectDate(initialDate);
+function resetMain() {
+    var main = $("main");
+    main.innerHTML = "";
+    main.className = "";
-        setTimeout(fixWindowSize, 0);
-    }
+function openCalendarPicker() {
+    resetMain();
+    new CalendarPicker($("main"), global.params);
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {!Element} element
+ * @param {!Object} config
+ */
+function CalendarPicker(element, config) {
+    Picker.call(this, element, config);
+    // We assume this._config.min is a valid date.
+    this.minimumDate = (typeof this._config.min !== "undefined") ? parseDateString(this._config.min) : CalendarPicker.MinimumPossibleDate;
+    // We assume this._config.max is a valid date.
+    this.maximumDate = (typeof this._config.max !== "undefined") ? parseDateString(this._config.max) : CalendarPicker.MaximumPossibleDate;
+    this.step = (typeof this._config.step !== undefined) ? this._config.step * CalendarPicker.BaseStep : CalendarPicker.BaseStep;
+    this.yearMonthController = new YearMonthController(this);
+    this.daysTable = new DaysTable(this);
+    this._layout();
+    var initialDate = parseDateString(this._config.currentValue);
+    if (initialDate < this.minimumDate)
+        initialDate = this.minimumDate;
+    else if (initialDate > this.maximumDate)
+        initialDate = this.maximumDate;
+    this.daysTable.selectDate(initialDate);
+    this.fixWindowSize();
+    document.body.addEventListener("keydown", bind(this._handleBodyKeyDown, this), false);
+CalendarPicker.prototype = Object.create(Picker.prototype);
-function fixWindowSize() {
-    var yearMonthRightElement = document.getElementsByClassName(ClassNames.YearMonthButtonRight)[0];
-    var daysAreaElement = document.getElementsByClassName(ClassNames.DaysArea)[0];
+// Hard limits of type=date. See WebCore/platform/DateComponents.h.
+CalendarPicker.MinimumPossibleDate = new Date(-62135596800000.0);
+CalendarPicker.MaximumPossibleDate = new Date(8640000000000000.0);
+// See WebCore/html/DateInputType.cpp.
+CalendarPicker.BaseStep = 86400000;
+CalendarPicker.prototype._layout = function() {
+    this._element.style.direction = global.params.isRTL ? "rtl" : "ltr";
+    this.yearMonthController.attachTo(this._element);
+    this.daysTable.attachTo(this._element);
+    this._layoutButtons();
+CalendarPicker.prototype.handleToday = function() {
+    var date = new Date();
+    this.daysTable.selectDate(date);
+    this.submitValue(serializeDate(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()));
+CalendarPicker.prototype.handleClear = function() {
+    this.submitValue("");
+CalendarPicker.prototype.fixWindowSize = function() {
+    var yearMonthRightElement = this._element.getElementsByClassName(ClassNames.YearMonthButtonRight)[0];
+    var daysAreaElement = this._element.getElementsByClassName(ClassNames.DaysArea)[0];
     var headers = daysAreaElement.getElementsByClassName(ClassNames.DayLabel);
     var maxCellWidth = 0;
     for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; ++i) {
@@ -300,97 +350,58 @@
             maxCellWidth = headers[i].offsetWidth;
     var DaysAreaContainerBorder = 1;
-    var main = $("main");
     var yearMonthEnd;
     var daysAreaEnd;
     if (global.params.isRTL) {
-        var startOffset = main.offsetLeft + main.offsetWidth;
+        var startOffset = this._element.offsetLeft + this._element.offsetWidth;
         yearMonthEnd = startOffset - yearMonthRightElement.offsetLeft;
         daysAreaEnd = startOffset - (daysAreaElement.offsetLeft + daysAreaElement.offsetWidth) + maxCellWidth * 7 + DaysAreaContainerBorder;
     } else {
         yearMonthEnd = yearMonthRightElement.offsetLeft + yearMonthRightElement.offsetWidth;
         daysAreaEnd = daysAreaElement.offsetLeft + maxCellWidth * 7 + DaysAreaContainerBorder;
     var maxEnd = Math.max(yearMonthEnd, daysAreaEnd);
-    var MainPadding = 6;
+    var MainPadding = 6; // FIXME: Fix name.
     var MainBorder = 1;
     var desiredBodyWidth = maxEnd + MainPadding + MainBorder;
-    var mainHeight = main.offsetHeight;
-    main.style.width = "auto";
+    var elementHeight = this._element.offsetHeight;
+    this._element.style.width = "auto";
     daysAreaElement.style.width = "100%";
     daysAreaElement.style.tableLayout = "fixed";
-    document.getElementsByClassName(ClassNames.YearMonthUpper)[0].style.display = "-webkit-box";
-    document.getElementsByClassName(ClassNames.MonthSelectorBox)[0].style.display = "block";
-    resizeWindow(desiredBodyWidth, mainHeight);
+    this._element.getElementsByClassName(ClassNames.YearMonthUpper)[0].style.display = "-webkit-box";
+    this._element.getElementsByClassName(ClassNames.MonthSelectorBox)[0].style.display = "block";
+    resizeWindow(desiredBodyWidth, elementHeight);
-function checkLimits() {
-    // Hard limits of type=date. See WebCore/platform/DateComponents.h.
-    global.minimumDate = new Date(-62135596800000.0);
-    global.maximumDate = new Date(8640000000000000.0);
-    // See WebCore/html/DateInputType.cpp.
-    global.step = 86400000;
-    if (global.params.min) {
-        // We assume params.min is a valid date.
-        global.minimumDate = parseDateString(global.params.min);
-    }
-    if (global.params.max) {
-        // We assume params.max is a valid date.
-        global.maximumDate = parseDateString(global.params.max);
-    }
-    if (global.params.step)
-        global.step *= global.params.step;
-function layout() {
-    if (global.params.isRTL)
-        document.body.dir = "rtl";
-    else
-        document.body.dir = "ltr";
-    var main = $("main");
-    var params = global.params;
-    main.removeChild(main.firstChild);
-    document.body.addEventListener("keydown", handleGlobalKey, false);
-    global.yearMonthController = new YearMonthController();
-    global.yearMonthController.attachTo(main);
-    global.daysTable = new DaysTable();
-    global.daysTable.attachTo(main);
-    layoutButtons(main);
- * @param {Element} main
- */
-function layoutButtons(main) {
+CalendarPicker.prototype._layoutButtons = function() {
     var container = createElement("div", ClassNames.TodayClearArea);
-    global.today = createElement("input", ClassNames.TodayButton);
-    global.today.type = "button";
-    global.today.value = global.params.todayLabel;
-    global.today.addEventListener("click", handleToday, false);
-    container.appendChild(global.today);
-    global.clear = null;
-    if (!global.params.required) {
-        global.clear = createElement("input", ClassNames.ClearButton);
-        global.clear.type = "button";
-        global.clear.value = global.params.clearLabel;
-        global.clear.addEventListener("click", handleClear, false);
-        container.appendChild(global.clear);
+    this.today = createElement("input", ClassNames.TodayButton);
+    this.today.type = "button";
+    this.today.value = this._config.todayLabel;
+    this.today.addEventListener("click", bind(this.handleToday, this), false);
+    container.appendChild(this.today);
+    this.clear = null;
+    if (!this._config.required) {
+        this.clear = createElement("input", ClassNames.ClearButton);
+        this.clear.type = "button";
+        this.clear.value = this._config.clearLabel;
+        this.clear.addEventListener("click", bind(this.handleClear, this), false);
+        container.appendChild(this.clear);
-    main.appendChild(container);
+    this._element.appendChild(container);
-    global.lastFocusableControl = global.clear || global.today;
+    this.lastFocusableControl = this.clear || this.today;
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
  * @constructor
+ * @param {!CalendarPicker} picker
-function YearMonthController() {
+function YearMonthController(picker) {
+    this.picker = picker;
      * @type {!number}
@@ -402,9 +413,9 @@
- * @param {!Element} main
+ * @param {!Element} element
-YearMonthController.prototype.attachTo = function(main) {
+YearMonthController.prototype.attachTo = function(element) {
     var outerContainer = createElement("div", ClassNames.YearMonthArea);
     var innerContainer = createElement("div", ClassNames.YearMonthUpper);
@@ -429,13 +440,13 @@
-    main.appendChild(outerContainer);
+    element.appendChild(outerContainer);
     this._wall = createElement("div", ClassNames.MonthSelectorWall);
     this._wall.addEventListener("click", bind(this._closePopup, this), false);
-    main.appendChild(this._wall);
+    element.appendChild(this._wall);
-    var maximumYear = global.maximumDate.getUTCFullYear();
+    var maximumYear = this.picker.maximumDate.getUTCFullYear();
     var maxWidth = 0;
     for (var m = 0; m < 12; ++m) {
         this._month.textContent = formatYearMonth(maximumYear, m);
@@ -534,8 +545,8 @@
 YearMonthController.prototype._redraw = function() {
-    var min = global.minimumDate.getUTCFullYear() * 12 + global.minimumDate.getUTCMonth();
-    var max = global.maximumDate.getUTCFullYear() * 12 + global.maximumDate.getUTCMonth();
+    var min = this.picker.minimumDate.getUTCFullYear() * 12 + this.picker.minimumDate.getUTCMonth();
+    var max = this.picker.maximumDate.getUTCFullYear() * 12 + this.picker.maximumDate.getUTCMonth();
     var current = this._currentYear * 12 + this._currentMonth;
     if (this._left3)
         this._left3.disabled = current - 13 < min;
@@ -680,7 +691,7 @@
     var newYear = Number(result[1]);
     var newMonth = Number(result[2]);
-    global.daysTable.navigateToMonthAndKeepSelectionPosition(newYear, newMonth);
+    this.picker.daysTable.navigateToMonthAndKeepSelectionPosition(newYear, newMonth);
@@ -738,8 +749,8 @@
  * @param {!number} amount
 YearMonthController.prototype.moveRelatively = function(amount) {
-    var min = global.minimumDate.getUTCFullYear() * 12 + global.minimumDate.getUTCMonth();
-    var max = global.maximumDate.getUTCFullYear() * 12 + global.maximumDate.getUTCMonth();
+    var min = this.picker.minimumDate.getUTCFullYear() * 12 + this.picker.minimumDate.getUTCMonth();
+    var max = this.picker.maximumDate.getUTCFullYear() * 12 + this.picker.maximumDate.getUTCMonth();
     var current = this._currentYear * 12 + this._currentMonth;
     var updated = current;
     if (amount < 0)
@@ -748,15 +759,17 @@
         updated = current + amount <= max ? current + amount : max;
     if (updated == current)
-    global.daysTable.navigateToMonthAndKeepSelectionPosition(Math.floor(updated / 12), updated % 12);
+    this.picker.daysTable.navigateToMonthAndKeepSelectionPosition(Math.floor(updated / 12), updated % 12);
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
  * @constructor
+ * @param {!CalendarPicker} picker
-function DaysTable() {
+function DaysTable(picker) {
+    this.picker = picker;
      * @type {!number}
@@ -790,9 +803,9 @@
 DaysTable._Weeks = 6;
- * @param {!Element} main
+ * @param {!Element} element
-DaysTable.prototype.attachTo = function(main) {
+DaysTable.prototype.attachTo = function(element) {
     this._daysContainer = createElement("table", ClassNames.DaysArea);
     this._daysContainer.addEventListener("click", bind(this._handleDayClick, this), false);
     this._daysContainer.addEventListener("mouseover", bind(this._handleMouseOver, this), false);
@@ -821,7 +834,7 @@
     container.tabIndex = 0;
     container.addEventListener("keydown", bind(this._handleKey, this), false);
-    main.appendChild(container);
+    element.appendChild(container);
@@ -830,24 +843,24 @@
  * @param {!number} time date in millisecond.
  * @return {!boolean}
-function stepMismatch(time) {
-    return (time - global.minimumDate.getTime()) % global.step != 0;
+CalendarPicker.prototype.stepMismatch = function(time) {
+    return (time - this.minimumDate.getTime()) % this.step != 0;
  * @param {!number} time date in millisecond.
  * @return {!boolean}
-function outOfRange(time) {
-    return time < global.minimumDate.getTime() || time > global.maximumDate.getTime();
+CalendarPicker.prototype.outOfRange = function(time) {
+    return time < this.minimumDate.getTime() || time > this.maximumDate.getTime();
  * @param {!number} time date in millisecond.
  * @return {!boolean}
-function isValidDate(time) {
-    return !outOfRange(time) && !stepMismatch(time);
+CalendarPicker.prototype.isValidDate = function(time) {
+    return !this.outOfRange(time) && !this.stepMismatch(time);
@@ -873,9 +886,9 @@
             element.innerText = localizeNumber(dayIterator.getUTCDate());
             element.className = ClassNames.Day;
             element.dataset.submitValue = serializeDate(iterYear, iterMonth, dayIterator.getUTCDate());
-            if (outOfRange(time))
+            if (this.picker.outOfRange(time))
-            else if (stepMismatch(time))
+            else if (this.picker.stepMismatch(time))
             else if ((iterYear == year && dayIterator.getUTCMonth() < month) || (month == 0 && iterMonth == 11)) {
@@ -892,7 +905,7 @@
-    global.today.disabled = !isValidDate(parseDateString().getTime());
+    this.picker.today.disabled = !this.picker.isValidDate(parseDateString().getTime());
@@ -900,7 +913,7 @@
  * @param {!number} month
 DaysTable.prototype._navigateToMonth = function(year, month) {
-    global.yearMonthController.setYearMonth(year, month);
+    this.picker.yearMonthController.setYearMonth(year, month);
     this._renderMonth(year, month);
@@ -975,7 +988,7 @@
     var year = global.yearMonthController.year();
     var month = global.yearMonthController.month();
     var thisMonthStartTime = createUTCDate(year, month, 1).getTime();
-    if (global.minimumDate.getTime() >= thisMonthStartTime)
+    if (this.minimumDate.getTime() >= thisMonthStartTime)
         return false;
     if (month == 0) {
@@ -998,7 +1011,7 @@
     } else
     var nextMonthStartTime = createUTCDate(year, month, 1).getTime();
-    if (global.maximumDate.getTime() < nextMonthStartTime)
+    if (this.picker.maximumDate.getTime() < nextMonthStartTime)
         return false;
     this._navigateToMonthWithAnimation(year, month);
     return true;
@@ -1009,7 +1022,7 @@
 DaysTable.prototype._handleDayClick = function(event) {
     if (event.target.classList.contains(ClassNames.Available))
-        submitValue(event.target.dataset.submitValue);
+        this.picker.submitValue(event.target.dataset.submitValue);
@@ -1110,7 +1123,7 @@
     } else if (this._hasSelection() && key == "Enter") {
         var dayNode = this._days[y][x];
         if (dayNode.classList.contains(ClassNames.Available)) {
-            submitValue(dayNode.dataset.submitValue);
+            this.picker.submitValue(dayNode.dataset.submitValue);
@@ -1139,53 +1152,30 @@
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-function handleToday() {
-    var date = new Date();
-    global.daysTable.selectDate(date);
-    submitValue(serializeDate(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()));
-function handleClear() {
-    submitValue("");
- * @param {string} value
+ * @param {!Event} event
-function submitValue(value) {
-    window.pagePopupController.setValueAndClosePopup(0, value);
-function handleCancel() {
-    window.pagePopupController.setValueAndClosePopup(-1, "");
- * @param {Event} event
- */
-function handleGlobalKey(event) {
+CalendarPicker.prototype._handleBodyKeyDown = function(event) {
     var key = event.keyIdentifier;
     if (key == "U+0009") {
         if (!event.shiftKey && document.activeElement == global.lastFocusableControl) {
-            global.firstFocusableControl.focus();
+            this.firstFocusableControl.focus();
         } else if (event.shiftKey && document.activeElement == global.firstFocusableControl) {
-            global.lastFocusableControl.focus();
+            this.lastFocusableControl.focus();
     } else if (key == "U+004D") { // 'm'
-        global.yearMonthController.moveRelatively(event.shiftKey ? YearMonthController.PreviousMonth : YearMonthController.NextMonth);
+        this.yearMonthController.moveRelatively(event.shiftKey ? YearMonthController.PreviousMonth : YearMonthController.NextMonth);
     } else if (key == "U+0059") { // 'y'
-        global.yearMonthController.moveRelatively(event.shiftKey ? YearMonthController.PreviousYear : YearMonthController.NextYear);
+        this.yearMonthController.moveRelatively(event.shiftKey ? YearMonthController.PreviousYear : YearMonthController.NextYear);
     } else if (key == "U+0044") { // 'd'
-        global.yearMonthController.moveRelatively(event.shiftKey ? YearMonthController.PreviousTenYears : YearMonthController.NextTenYears);
+        this.yearMonthController.moveRelatively(event.shiftKey ? YearMonthController.PreviousTenYears : YearMonthController.NextTenYears);
     } else if (key == "U+001B") // ESC
-        handleCancel();
+        this.handleCancel();
 function maybeUpdateFocusStyle() {

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/Resources/pagepopups/colorSuggestionPicker.js (127726 => 127727)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/Resources/pagepopups/colorSuggestionPicker.js	2012-09-06 11:02:11 UTC (rev 127726)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/Resources/pagepopups/colorSuggestionPicker.js	2012-09-06 11:05:27 UTC (rev 127727)
@@ -74,29 +74,8 @@
     return null;
-var Actions = {
-    ChooseOtherColor: -2,
-    Cancel: -1,
-    SetValue: 0
- * @param {string} value
- */
-function submitValue(value) {
-    window.pagePopupController.setValueAndClosePopup(Actions.SetValue, value);
-function handleCancel() {
-    window.pagePopupController.setValueAndClosePopup(Actions.Cancel, "");
-function chooseOtherColor() {
-    window.pagePopupController.setValueAndClosePopup(Actions.ChooseOtherColor, "");
 function ColorPicker(element, config) {
-    this._element = element;
+    Picker.call(this, element, config);
     this._config = config;
     if (this._config.values.length === 0)
         this._config.values = DefaultColorPalette;
@@ -106,6 +85,7 @@
     this._element.addEventListener("mousemove", bind(this._handleMouseMove, this));
     this._element.addEventListener("mousedown", bind(this._handleMouseDown, this));
+ColorPicker.prototype = Object.create(Picker.prototype);
 var SwatchBorderBoxWidth = 24; // keep in sync with CSS
 var SwatchBorderBoxHeight = 24; // keep in sync with CSS
@@ -130,7 +110,7 @@
     container.style.maxHeight = (SwatchBorderBoxHeight * SwatchesMaxRow) + "px";
     var otherButton = createElement("button", "other-color", this._config.otherColorLabel);
-    otherButton.addEventListener("click", chooseOtherColor, false);
+    otherButton.addEventListener("click", this.chooseOtherColor.bind(this), false);
     this._container = container;
     this._otherButton = otherButton;
@@ -158,7 +138,7 @@
 ColorPicker.prototype._handleKeyDown = function(event) {
     var key = event.keyIdentifier;
     if (key === "U+001B") // ESC
-        handleCancel();
+        this.handleCancel();
     else if (key == "Left" || key == "Up" || key == "Right" || key == "Down") {
         var selectedElement = document.activeElement;
         var index = 0;
@@ -194,7 +174,7 @@
 ColorPicker.prototype._handleSwatchClick = function(event) {
     if (event.target.classList.contains("color-swatch"))
-        submitValue(event.target.dataset.value);
+        this.submitValue(event.target.dataset.value);
 if (window.dialogArguments) {

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/Resources/pagepopups/pickerCommon.js (127726 => 127727)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/Resources/pagepopups/pickerCommon.js	2012-09-06 11:02:11 UTC (rev 127726)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/Resources/pagepopups/pickerCommon.js	2012-09-06 11:05:27 UTC (rev 127727)
@@ -76,3 +76,37 @@
     return window.scrollbarWidth;
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {!Element} element
+ * @param {!Object} config
+ */
+function Picker(element, config) {
+    this._element = element;
+    this._config = config;
+ * @enum {number}
+ */
+Picker.Actions = {
+    SetValue: 0,
+    Cancel: -1,
+    ChooseOtherColor: -2
+ * @param {!string} value
+ */
+Picker.prototype.submitValue = function(value) {
+    window.pagePopupController.setValueAndClosePopup(Picker.Actions.SetValue, value);
+Picker.prototype.handleCancel = function() {
+    window.pagePopupController.setValueAndClosePopup(Picker.Actions.Cancel, "");
+Picker.prototype.chooseOtherColor = function() {
+    window.pagePopupController.setValueAndClosePopup(Picker.Actions.ChooseOtherColor, "");
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