Title: [129746] trunk
2012-09-27 02:55:52 -0700 (Thu, 27 Sep 2012)

Log Message

CollectingRules and QueryingRules modes of SelectorChecker miss some complex selectors with pseudo elements

Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.


Do not use the same dynamicPseudo reference when recursively invoking checkSelector() for non-SubSelector selectors.

Test: fast/dom/Window/getMatchedCSSRules-with-pseudo-elements-complex.html

* css/SelectorChecker.cpp:
(WebCore::SelectorChecker::checkSelector): Use new NOPSEUDO dynamic pseudoId values
for each non-SubSelector selector further in the tag history.


The original issue mentioned failures on selectors like ".foo.moo > .bar:before", while things worked fine for ".foo > .bar:before".
The test checks 2 and 3 selector levels for all conventional non-SubSelector relations (Child, Descendant, DirectAdjacent, IndirectAdjacent),
each selector in all levels but the last one containing a SubSelector relation.

* fast/dom/Window/getMatchedCSSRules-with-pseudo-elements-complex.html: Added.
* fast/dom/Window/getMatchedCSSRules-with-pseudo-elements-complex-expected.txt: Added.

Modified Paths

Added Paths


Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog (129745 => 129746)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog	2012-09-27 09:44:05 UTC (rev 129745)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog	2012-09-27 09:55:52 UTC (rev 129746)
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+2012-09-25  Alexander Pavlov  <apav...@chromium.org>
+        CollectingRules and QueryingRules modes of SelectorChecker miss some complex selectors with pseudo elements
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78595
+        Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.
+        The original issue mentioned failures on selectors like ".foo.moo > .bar:before", while things worked fine for ".foo > .bar:before".
+        The test checks 2 and 3 selector levels for all conventional non-SubSelector relations (Child, Descendant, DirectAdjacent, IndirectAdjacent),
+        each selector in all levels but the last one containing a SubSelector relation.
+        * fast/dom/Window/getMatchedCSSRules-with-pseudo-elements-complex.html: Added.
+        * fast/dom/Window/getMatchedCSSRules-with-pseudo-elements-complex-expected.txt: Added.
 2012-09-27  Vsevolod Vlasov  <vse...@chromium.org>
         Unreviewed inspector test unskipped on qt, expectations updated.

Added: trunk/LayoutTests/fast/dom/Window/getMatchedCSSRules-with-pseudo-elements-complex-expected.txt (0 => 129746)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/fast/dom/Window/getMatchedCSSRules-with-pseudo-elements-complex-expected.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/fast/dom/Window/getMatchedCSSRules-with-pseudo-elements-complex-expected.txt	2012-09-27 09:55:52 UTC (rev 129746)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Test for WebKit bug 78595: CollectingRules and QueryingRules modes of SelectorChecker miss some complex selectors with pseudo elements
+PASS Expected 'rgb(165, 42, 42)' for color in the matched CSS rule for element with id firstChild and pseudo-element :before and got 'rgb(165, 42, 42)'
+PASS Expected 'rgb(0, 255, 255)' for color in the matched CSS rule for element with id secondChild and pseudo-element :before and got 'rgb(0, 255, 255)'
+PASS Expected 'red' for color in the matched CSS rule for element with id thirdChild and pseudo-element :before and got 'red'
+PASS Expected 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' for color in the matched CSS rule for element with id fourthChild and pseudo-element :before and got 'rgb(255, 0, 255)'
+PASS Expected 'green' for color in the matched CSS rule for element with id firstParent and pseudo-element :before and got 'green'
+PASS Expected 'lime' for color in the matched CSS rule for element with id secondParent and pseudo-element :before and got 'lime'
+PASS Expected 'blue' for color in the matched CSS rule for element with id thirdParent and pseudo-element :before and got 'blue'
+PASS Expected 'rgb(220, 20, 60)' for color in the matched CSS rule for element with id fourthParent and pseudo-element :before and got 'rgb(220, 20, 60)'
Property changes on: trunk/LayoutTests/fast/dom/Window/getMatchedCSSRules-with-pseudo-elements-complex-expected.txt

Added: svn:eol-style

Added: trunk/LayoutTests/fast/dom/Window/getMatchedCSSRules-with-pseudo-elements-complex.html (0 => 129746)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/fast/dom/Window/getMatchedCSSRules-with-pseudo-elements-complex.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/fast/dom/Window/getMatchedCSSRules-with-pseudo-elements-complex.html	2012-09-27 09:55:52 UTC (rev 129746)
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
+    <title>Test for WebKit bug 78595: CollectingRules and QueryingRules modes of SelectorChecker miss some complex selectors with pseudo elements</title>
+    <style type="text/css">
+      .parent.secondParent .firstChild:before {
+          color: brown;
+          content: "brown";
+      }
+      .topParent.topmost .parent.secondParent .secondChild:before {
+          color: cyan;
+          content: "cyan";
+      }
+      .parent.secondParent > .thirdChild:before {
+          color: red;
+          content: "red";
+      }
+      .topParent.topmost > .parent.secondParent > .fourthChild:before {
+          color: magenta;
+          content: "magenta";
+      }
+      .parent.predecessor + .parent.firstParent:before {
+          color: green;
+          content: "green";
+      }
+      .parent.firstParent ~ .secondParent:before {
+          color: lime;
+          content: "lime";
+      }
+      .parent.firstParent + .parent.secondParent + .thirdParent:before {
+          color: blue;
+          content: "blue";
+      }
+      .parent.predecessor ~ .parent.secondParent ~ .fourthParent:before {
+          color: crimson;
+          content: "crimson";
+      }
+      .pass {
+          color: green;
+      }
+      .fail {
+          color: red;
+      }
+    </style>
+    <script type="text/_javascript_">
+      if (window.testRunner)
+          testRunner.dumpAsText();
+      var tests = [
+        { 'elementId' : 'firstChild', 'expectedValue' : 'rgb(165, 42, 42)' },
+        { 'elementId' : 'secondChild', 'expectedValue' : 'rgb(0, 255, 255)' },
+        { 'elementId' : 'thirdChild', 'expectedValue' : 'red' },
+        { 'elementId' : 'fourthChild', 'expectedValue' : 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' },
+        { 'elementId' : 'firstParent', 'expectedValue' : 'green' },
+        { 'elementId' : 'secondParent', 'expectedValue' : 'lime' },
+        { 'elementId' : 'thirdParent', 'expectedValue' : 'blue' },
+        { 'elementId' : 'fourthParent', 'expectedValue' : 'rgb(220, 20, 60)' },
+      ];
+      function runTests()
+      {
+        var resultsElement = document.getElementById('results');
+        tests.forEach(function(curTest) {
+          var msg = document.createElement('div');
+          var element = document.querySelector("#" + curTest.elementId);
+          var mainMessage;
+          var matchedRules;
+          if (!element)
+              mainMessage = "Element with id #" + curTest.elementId + " not found";
+          else {
+              matchedRules = window.getMatchedCSSRules(element, "before");
+              if (!matchedRules || matchedRules.length !== 1)
+                  mainMessage = " Matching rules for #" + curTest.elementId + ":before do not contain a single rule";
+          }
+          if (mainMessage) {
+              msg.innerHTML = "<span class='fail'>FAIL</span>" + mainMessage;
+              resultsElement.appendChild(msg);
+              return;
+          }
+          var value = matchedRules[0].style.color;
+          mainMessage = " Expected '" + curTest.expectedValue + "' for color in the matched CSS rule for element with id " +
+              curTest.elementId + " and pseudo-element :before";
+          if (value == curTest.expectedValue)
+              msg.innerHTML = "<span class='pass'>PASS</span>" + mainMessage + " and got '" + value + "'";
+          else
+              msg.innerHTML = "<span class='fail'>FAIL</span>" + mainMessage + " but instead got '" + value + "'";
+          resultsElement.appendChild(msg);
+        });
+        if (window.testRunner)
+            testRunner.notifyDone();
+      }
+    </script>
+  </head>
+  <body _onload_="runTests();">
+    <h3>Test for <a href="" bug 78595</a>: CollectingRules and QueryingRules modes of SelectorChecker miss some complex selectors with pseudo elements</h3>
+    <br />
+    <div class="topParent topmost">
+      <div class="parent predecessor"></div>
+      <div class="parent firstParent" id="firstParent"></div>
+      <div class="parent secondParent" id="secondParent">
+        <div class="firstChild" id="firstChild"></div>
+        <div class="secondChild" id="secondChild"></div>
+        <div class="thirdChild" id="thirdChild"></div>
+        <div class="fourthChild" id="fourthChild"></div>
+      </div>
+      <div class="parent thirdParent" id="thirdParent"></div>
+      <div class="parent fourthParent" id="fourthParent"></div>
+    </div>
+    <br />
+    <div id="results"></div>
+  </body>
Property changes on: trunk/LayoutTests/fast/dom/Window/getMatchedCSSRules-with-pseudo-elements-complex.html

Added: svn:eol-style

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog (129745 => 129746)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2012-09-27 09:44:05 UTC (rev 129745)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2012-09-27 09:55:52 UTC (rev 129746)
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+2012-09-25  Alexander Pavlov  <apav...@chromium.org>
+        CollectingRules and QueryingRules modes of SelectorChecker miss some complex selectors with pseudo elements
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78595
+        Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.
+        Do not use the same dynamicPseudo reference when recursively invoking checkSelector() for non-SubSelector selectors.
+        Test: fast/dom/Window/getMatchedCSSRules-with-pseudo-elements-complex.html
+        * css/SelectorChecker.cpp:
+        (WebCore::SelectorChecker::checkSelector): Use new NOPSEUDO dynamic pseudoId values
+        for each non-SubSelector selector further in the tag history.
 2012-09-27  Christophe Dumez  <christophe.du...@intel.com>
         [EFL] No way to exit video fullscreen mode once entered

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/css/SelectorChecker.cpp (129745 => 129746)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/css/SelectorChecker.cpp	2012-09-27 09:44:05 UTC (rev 129745)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/css/SelectorChecker.cpp	2012-09-27 09:55:52 UTC (rev 129746)
@@ -468,8 +468,13 @@
         // Disable :visited matching when we see the first link or try to match anything else than an ancestors.
         if (!context.isSubSelector && (context.element->isLink() || (relation != CSSSelector::Descendant && relation != CSSSelector::Child)))
             nextContext.visitedMatchType = VisitedMatchDisabled;
+        nextContext.pseudoStyle = NOPSEUDO;
+    PseudoId nonSubSelectorPseudo(NOPSEUDO);
+    PseudoId& currentDynamicPseudo = relation == CSSSelector::SubSelector ? dynamicPseudo : nonSubSelectorPseudo;
     switch (relation) {
     case CSSSelector::Descendant:
         nextContext.element = context.element->parentElement();
@@ -477,7 +482,7 @@
         nextContext.elementStyle = 0;
         nextContext.elementParentStyle = 0;
         for (; nextContext.element; nextContext.element = nextContext.element->parentElement()) {
-            SelectorMatch match = checkSelector(nextContext, dynamicPseudo, hasUnknownPseudoElements);
+            SelectorMatch match = checkSelector(nextContext, currentDynamicPseudo, hasUnknownPseudoElements);
             if (match == SelectorMatches || match == SelectorFailsCompletely)
                 return match;
             if (nextContext.element == nextContext.scope)
@@ -492,7 +497,7 @@
         nextContext.isSubSelector = false;
         nextContext.elementStyle = 0;
         nextContext.elementParentStyle = 0;
-        return checkSelector(nextContext, dynamicPseudo, hasUnknownPseudoElements);
+        return checkSelector(nextContext, currentDynamicPseudo, hasUnknownPseudoElements);
     case CSSSelector::DirectAdjacent:
         if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle && context.element->parentElement()) {
@@ -506,7 +511,7 @@
         nextContext.isSubSelector = false;
         nextContext.elementStyle = 0;
         nextContext.elementParentStyle = 0;
-        return checkSelector(nextContext, dynamicPseudo, hasUnknownPseudoElements);
+        return checkSelector(nextContext, currentDynamicPseudo, hasUnknownPseudoElements);
     case CSSSelector::IndirectAdjacent:
         if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle && context.element->parentElement()) {
@@ -519,7 +524,7 @@
         nextContext.elementStyle = 0;
         nextContext.elementParentStyle = 0;
         for (; nextContext.element; nextContext.element = nextContext.element->previousElementSibling()) {
-            SelectorMatch match = checkSelector(nextContext, dynamicPseudo, hasUnknownPseudoElements);
+            SelectorMatch match = checkSelector(nextContext, currentDynamicPseudo, hasUnknownPseudoElements);
             if (match == SelectorMatches || match == SelectorFailsAllSiblings || match == SelectorFailsCompletely)
                 return match;
@@ -533,7 +538,7 @@
              && !((RenderScrollbar::scrollbarForStyleResolve() || dynamicPseudo == SCROLLBAR_CORNER || dynamicPseudo == RESIZER) && nextContext.selector->m_match == CSSSelector::PseudoClass))
             return SelectorFailsCompletely;
         nextContext.isSubSelector = true;
-        return checkSelector(nextContext, dynamicPseudo, hasUnknownPseudoElements);
+        return checkSelector(nextContext, currentDynamicPseudo, hasUnknownPseudoElements);
     case CSSSelector::ShadowDescendant:
@@ -547,7 +552,7 @@
             nextContext.isSubSelector = false;
             nextContext.elementStyle = 0;
             nextContext.elementParentStyle = 0;
-            return checkSelector(nextContext, dynamicPseudo, hasUnknownPseudoElements);
+            return checkSelector(nextContext, currentDynamicPseudo, hasUnknownPseudoElements);
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