Title: [179142] trunk/Source/WebCore
2015-01-26 14:03:00 -0800 (Mon, 26 Jan 2015)

Log Message

[WebGL2] Update IDL for WebGL2.

Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

Update WebGL2RenderingContext idl to match spec. Create method stubs as necessary.

* bindings/js/JSWebGL2RenderingContextCustom.cpp:
* html/canvas/WebGL2RenderingContext.cpp:
* html/canvas/WebGL2RenderingContext.h:
* html/canvas/WebGL2RenderingContext.idl:
* platform/graphics/GraphicsTypes3D.h:

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog (179141 => 179142)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2015-01-26 21:42:40 UTC (rev 179141)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2015-01-26 22:03:00 UTC (rev 179142)
@@ -1,3 +1,116 @@
+2015-01-26  Roger Fong  <roger_f...@apple.com>
+        [WebGL2] Update IDL for WebGL2.
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=126406
+        <rdar://problem/15002268>.
+        Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.
+        Update WebGL2RenderingContext idl to match spec. Create method stubs as necessary.
+        * bindings/js/JSWebGL2RenderingContextCustom.cpp:
+        (WebCore::JSWebGL2RenderingContext::getFramebufferAttachmentParameter):
+        (WebCore::JSWebGL2RenderingContext::getInternalformatParameter):
+        (WebCore::JSWebGL2RenderingContext::getQueryParameter):
+        (WebCore::JSWebGL2RenderingContext::getSamplerParameter):
+        (WebCore::JSWebGL2RenderingContext::getSyncParameter):
+        (WebCore::JSWebGL2RenderingContext::getIndexedParameter):
+        (WebCore::JSWebGL2RenderingContext::getActiveUniformBlockParameter):
+        (WebCore::JSWebGL2RenderingContext::getActiveUniformBlockName):
+        * html/canvas/WebGL2RenderingContext.cpp:
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::copyBufferSubData):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::getBufferSubData):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::getFramebufferAttachmentParameter):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::blitFramebuffer):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::framebufferTextureLayer):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::getInternalformatParameter):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::invalidateFramebuffer):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::invalidateSubFramebuffer):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::readBuffer):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::renderbufferStorageMultisample):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::texStorage2D):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::texStorage3D):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::texImage3D):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::texSubImage3D):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::copyTexSubImage3D):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::compressedTexImage3D):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::compressedTexSubImage3D):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::getFragDataLocation):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::uniform1ui):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::uniform2ui):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::uniform3ui):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::uniform4ui):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::uniform1uiv):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::uniform2uiv):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::uniform3uiv):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::uniform4uiv):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::uniformMatrix2x3fv):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::uniformMatrix3x2fv):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::uniformMatrix2x4fv):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::uniformMatrix4x2fv):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::uniformMatrix3x4fv):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::uniformMatrix4x3fv):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::vertexAttribI4i):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::vertexAttribI4iv):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::vertexAttribI4ui):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::vertexAttribI4uiv):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::vertexAttribIPointer):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::vertexAttribDivisor):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::drawArraysInstanced):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::drawElementsInstanced):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::drawRangeElements):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::drawBuffers):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::clearBufferiv):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::clearBufferuiv):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::clearBufferfv):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::clearBufferfi):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::createQuery):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::deleteQuery):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::isQuery):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::beginQuery):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::endQuery):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::getQuery):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::getQueryParameter):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::createSampler):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::deleteSampler):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::isSampler):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::bindSampler):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::samplerParameteri):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::samplerParameterf):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::getSamplerParameter):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::fenceSync):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::isSync):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::deleteSync):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::clientWaitSync):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::waitSync):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::getSyncParameter):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::createTransformFeedback):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::deleteTransformFeedback):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::isTransformFeedback):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::bindTransformFeedback):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::beginTransformFeedback):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::endTransformFeedback):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::transformFeedbackVaryings):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::getTransformFeedbackVarying):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::pauseTransformFeedback):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::resumeTransformFeedback):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::bindBufferBase):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::bindBufferRange):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::getIndexedParameter):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::getUniformIndices):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::getActiveUniforms):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::getUniformBlockIndex):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::getActiveUniformBlockParameter):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::getActiveUniformBlockName):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::uniformBlockBinding):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::createVertexArray):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::deleteVertexArray):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::isVertexArray):
+        (WebCore::WebGL2RenderingContext::bindVertexArray):
+        * html/canvas/WebGL2RenderingContext.h:
+        * html/canvas/WebGL2RenderingContext.idl:
+        * platform/graphics/GraphicsTypes3D.h:
 2015-01-26  Andreas Kling  <akl...@apple.com>
         Don't let the CSSValuePool's font family cache grow unbounded.

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/bindings/js/JSWebGL2RenderingContextCustom.cpp (179141 => 179142)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/bindings/js/JSWebGL2RenderingContextCustom.cpp	2015-01-26 21:42:40 UTC (rev 179141)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/bindings/js/JSWebGL2RenderingContextCustom.cpp	2015-01-26 22:03:00 UTC (rev 179142)
@@ -36,7 +36,56 @@
+JSValue JSWebGL2RenderingContext::getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(ExecState* exec)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(exec);
+    return jsUndefined();
+JSValue JSWebGL2RenderingContext::getInternalformatParameter(ExecState* exec)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(exec);
+    return jsUndefined();
+JSValue JSWebGL2RenderingContext::getQueryParameter(ExecState* exec)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(exec);
+    return jsUndefined();
+JSValue JSWebGL2RenderingContext::getSamplerParameter(ExecState* exec)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(exec);
+    return jsUndefined();
+JSValue JSWebGL2RenderingContext::getSyncParameter(ExecState* exec)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(exec);
+    return jsUndefined();
+JSValue JSWebGL2RenderingContext::getIndexedParameter(ExecState* exec)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(exec);
+    return jsUndefined();
+JSValue JSWebGL2RenderingContext::getActiveUniformBlockParameter(ExecState* exec)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(exec);
+    return jsUndefined();
+JSValue JSWebGL2RenderingContext::getActiveUniformBlockName(ExecState* exec)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(exec);
+    return jsUndefined();
 } // namespace WebCore
 #endif // ENABLE(WEBGL)

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/html/canvas/WebGL2RenderingContext.cpp (179141 => 179142)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/html/canvas/WebGL2RenderingContext.cpp	2015-01-26 21:42:40 UTC (rev 179141)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/html/canvas/WebGL2RenderingContext.cpp	2015-01-26 22:03:00 UTC (rev 179142)
@@ -28,6 +28,13 @@
 #include "WebGL2RenderingContext.h"
+#include "WebGLActiveInfo.h"
+#include "WebGLQuery.h"
+#include "WebGLSampler.h"
+#include "WebGLSync.h"
+#include "WebGLTransformFeedback.h"
+#include "WebGLVertexArrayObject.h"
 namespace WebCore {
 WebGL2RenderingContext::WebGL2RenderingContext(HTMLCanvasElement* passedCanvas, GraphicsContext3D::Attributes attributes)
@@ -39,6 +46,711 @@
     GraphicsContext3D::Attributes attributes) : WebGLRenderingContextBase(passedCanvas, context, attributes)
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::copyBufferSubData(GC3Denum readTarget, GC3Denum writeTarget, GC3Dint64 readOffset, GC3Dint64 writeOffset, GC3Dint64 size)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(readTarget);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(writeTarget);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(readOffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(writeOffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(size);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::getBufferSubData(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint64 offset, ArrayBufferView* returnedData)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(offset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(returnedData);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::getBufferSubData(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint64 offset, ArrayBuffer* returnedData)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(offset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(returnedData);
+WebGLGetInfo WebGL2RenderingContext::getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum attachment, GC3Denum pname)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(attachment);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(pname);
+    return WebGLGetInfo();
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::blitFramebuffer(GC3Dint srcX0, GC3Dint srcY0, GC3Dint srcX1, GC3Dint srcY1, GC3Dint dstX0, GC3Dint dstY0, GC3Dint dstX1, GC3Dint dstY1, GC3Dbitfield mask, GC3Denum filter)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(srcX0);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(srcX1);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(srcY0);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(srcY1);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(dstX0);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(dstX1);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(dstY0);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(dstY1);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(mask);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(filter);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::framebufferTextureLayer(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum attachment, GC3Duint texture, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint layer)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(attachment);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(texture);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(level);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(layer);
+WebGLGetInfo WebGL2RenderingContext::getInternalformatParameter(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum internalformat, GC3Denum pname)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(internalformat);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(pname);
+    return WebGLGetInfo();
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::invalidateFramebuffer(GC3Denum target, Vector<GC3Denum> attachments)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(attachments);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::invalidateSubFramebuffer(GC3Denum target, Vector<GC3Denum> attachments, GC3Dint x, GC3Dint y, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(attachments);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(width);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(height);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::readBuffer(GC3Denum src)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(src);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::renderbufferStorageMultisample(GC3Denum target, GC3Dsizei samples, GC3Denum internalformat, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(samples);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(internalformat);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(width);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(height);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::texStorage2D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dsizei levels, GC3Denum internalformat, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(levels);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(internalformat);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(width);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(height);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::texStorage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dsizei levels, GC3Denum internalformat, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, GC3Dsizei depth)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(levels);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(internalformat);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(width);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(height);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(depth);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::texImage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint internalformat, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, GC3Dsizei depth, GC3Dint border, GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, ArrayBufferView* pixels)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(level);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(internalformat);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(width);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(height);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(depth);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(border);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(format);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(type);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(pixels);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::texSubImage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, GC3Dint zoffset, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, GC3Dsizei depth, GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, ArrayBufferView* pixels)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(level);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(xoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(yoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(zoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(width);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(height);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(depth);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(format);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(type);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(pixels);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::texSubImage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, GC3Dint zoffset, GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, ImageData* source)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(level);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(xoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(yoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(zoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(format);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(type);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(source);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::texSubImage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, GC3Dint zoffset, GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, HTMLImageElement* source)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(level);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(xoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(yoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(zoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(format);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(type);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(source);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::texSubImage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, GC3Dint zoffset, GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, HTMLCanvasElement* source)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(level);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(xoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(yoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(zoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(format);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(type);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(source);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::texSubImage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, GC3Dint zoffset, GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, HTMLVideoElement* source)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(level);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(xoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(yoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(zoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(format);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(type);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(source);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::copyTexSubImage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, GC3Dint zoffset, GC3Dint x, GC3Dint y, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(level);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(xoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(yoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(zoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(width);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(height);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::compressedTexImage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Denum internalformat, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, GC3Dsizei depth, GC3Dint border, GC3Dsizei imageSize, ArrayBufferView* data)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(level);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(internalformat);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(width);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(height);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(depth);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(border);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(imageSize);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(data);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::compressedTexSubImage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, GC3Dint zoffset, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, GC3Dsizei depth, GC3Denum format, GC3Dsizei imageSize, ArrayBufferView* data)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(level);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(xoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(yoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(zoffset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(width);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(height);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(depth);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(format);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(imageSize);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(data);
+GC3Dint WebGL2RenderingContext::getFragDataLocation(WebGLProgram* program, String name)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(program);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(name);
+    return 0;
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::uniform1ui(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Duint v0)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(location);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(v0);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::uniform2ui(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Duint v0, GC3Duint v1)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(location);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(v0);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(v1);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::uniform3ui(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Duint v0, GC3Duint v1, GC3Duint v2)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(location);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(v0);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(v1);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(v2);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::uniform4ui(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Duint v0, GC3Duint v1, GC3Duint v2, GC3Duint v3)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(location);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(v0);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(v1);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(v2);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(v3);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::uniform1uiv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, Uint32Array* value)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(location);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(value);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::uniform2uiv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, Uint32Array* value)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(location);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(value);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::uniform3uiv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, Uint32Array* value)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(location);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(value);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::uniform4uiv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, Uint32Array* value)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(location);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(value);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::uniformMatrix2x3fv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dboolean transpose, Float32Array* value)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(location);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(transpose);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(value);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::uniformMatrix3x2fv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dboolean transpose, Float32Array* value)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(location);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(transpose);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(value);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::uniformMatrix2x4fv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dboolean transpose, Float32Array* value)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(location);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(transpose);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(value);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::uniformMatrix4x2fv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dboolean transpose, Float32Array* value)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(location);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(transpose);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(value);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::uniformMatrix3x4fv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dboolean transpose, Float32Array* value)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(location);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(transpose);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(value);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::uniformMatrix4x3fv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dboolean transpose, Float32Array* value)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(location);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(transpose);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(value);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::vertexAttribI4i(GC3Duint index, GC3Dint x, GC3Dint y, GC3Dint z, GC3Dint w)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(index);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::vertexAttribI4iv(GC3Duint index, Int32Array* v)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(index);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::vertexAttribI4ui(GC3Duint index, GC3Duint x, GC3Duint y, GC3Duint z, GC3Duint w)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(index);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::vertexAttribI4uiv(GC3Duint index, Uint32Array* v)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(index);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::vertexAttribIPointer(GC3Duint index, GC3Dint size, GC3Denum type, GC3Dsizei stride, GC3Dint64 offset)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(index);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(size);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(type);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(stride);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(offset);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::vertexAttribDivisor(GC3Duint index, GC3Duint divisor)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(index);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(divisor);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::drawArraysInstanced(GC3Denum mode, GC3Dint first, GC3Dsizei count, GC3Dsizei instanceCount)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(mode);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(first);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(count);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(instanceCount);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::drawElementsInstanced(GC3Denum mode, GC3Dsizei count, GC3Denum type, GC3Dint64 offset, GC3Dsizei instanceCount)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(mode);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(count);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(type);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(offset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(instanceCount);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::drawRangeElements(GC3Denum mode, GC3Duint start, GC3Duint end, GC3Dsizei count, GC3Denum type, GC3Dint64 offset)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(mode);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(start);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(end);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(count);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(type);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(offset);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::drawBuffers(Vector<GC3Denum> buffers)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(buffers);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::clearBufferiv(GC3Denum buffer, GC3Dint drawbuffer, Int32Array* value)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(buffer);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(drawbuffer);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(value);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::clearBufferuiv(GC3Denum buffer, GC3Dint drawbuffer, Uint32Array* value)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(buffer);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(drawbuffer);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(value);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::clearBufferfv(GC3Denum buffer, GC3Dint drawbuffer, Float32Array* value)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(buffer);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(drawbuffer);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(value);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::clearBufferfi(GC3Denum buffer, GC3Dint drawbuffer, GC3Dfloat depth, GC3Dint stencil)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(buffer);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(drawbuffer);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(depth);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(stencil);
+PassRefPtr<WebGLQuery> WebGL2RenderingContext::createQuery()
+    return nullptr;
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::deleteQuery(WebGLQuery* query)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(query);
+GC3Dboolean WebGL2RenderingContext::isQuery(WebGLQuery* query)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(query);
+    return false;
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::beginQuery(GC3Denum target, WebGLQuery* query)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(query);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::endQuery(GC3Denum target)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+PassRefPtr<WebGLQuery> WebGL2RenderingContext::getQuery(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum pname)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(pname);
+    return nullptr;
+WebGLGetInfo WebGL2RenderingContext::getQueryParameter(WebGLQuery* query, GC3Denum pname)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(query);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(pname);
+    return WebGLGetInfo();
+PassRefPtr<WebGLSampler> WebGL2RenderingContext::createSampler()
+    return nullptr;
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::deleteSampler(WebGLSampler* sampler)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(sampler);
+GC3Dboolean WebGL2RenderingContext::isSampler(WebGLSampler* sampler)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(sampler);
+    return false;
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::bindSampler(GC3Duint unit, WebGLSampler* sampler)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(unit);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(sampler);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::samplerParameteri(WebGLSampler* sampler, GC3Denum pname, GC3Dint param)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(sampler);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(pname);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(param);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::samplerParameterf(WebGLSampler* sampler, GC3Denum pname, GC3Dfloat param)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(sampler);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(pname);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(param);
+WebGLGetInfo WebGL2RenderingContext::getSamplerParameter(WebGLSampler* sampler, GC3Denum pname)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(sampler);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(pname);
+    return WebGLGetInfo();
+PassRefPtr<WebGLSync> WebGL2RenderingContext::fenceSync(GC3Denum condition, GC3Dbitfield flags)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(condition);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(flags);
+    return nullptr;
+GC3Dboolean WebGL2RenderingContext::isSync(WebGLSync* sync)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(sync);
+    return false;
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::deleteSync(WebGLSync* sync)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(sync);
+GC3Denum WebGL2RenderingContext::clientWaitSync(WebGLSync* sync, GC3Dbitfield flags, GC3Duint64 timeout)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(sync);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(flags);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(timeout);
+    return 0;
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::waitSync(WebGLSync* sync, GC3Dbitfield flags, GC3Duint64 timeout)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(sync);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(flags);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(timeout);
+WebGLGetInfo WebGL2RenderingContext::getSyncParameter(WebGLSync* sync, GC3Denum pname)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(sync);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(pname);
+    return WebGLGetInfo();
+PassRefPtr<WebGLTransformFeedback> WebGL2RenderingContext::createTransformFeedback()
+    return nullptr;
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::deleteTransformFeedback(WebGLTransformFeedback* id)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(id);
+GC3Dboolean WebGL2RenderingContext::isTransformFeedback(WebGLTransformFeedback* id)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(id);
+    return false;
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::bindTransformFeedback(GC3Denum target, WebGLTransformFeedback* id)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(id);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::beginTransformFeedback(GC3Denum primitiveMode)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(primitiveMode);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::endTransformFeedback()
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::transformFeedbackVaryings(WebGLProgram* program, Vector<String> varyings, GC3Denum bufferMode)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(program);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(varyings);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(bufferMode);
+PassRefPtr<WebGLActiveInfo> WebGL2RenderingContext::getTransformFeedbackVarying(WebGLProgram* program, GC3Duint index)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(program);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(index);
+    return nullptr;
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::pauseTransformFeedback()
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::resumeTransformFeedback()
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::bindBufferBase(GC3Denum target, GC3Duint index, WebGLBuffer* buffer)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(index);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(buffer);
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::bindBufferRange(GC3Denum target, GC3Duint index, WebGLBuffer* buffer, GC3Dint64 offset, GC3Dint64 size)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(index);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(buffer);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(offset);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(size);
+WebGLGetInfo WebGL2RenderingContext::getIndexedParameter(GC3Denum target, GC3Duint index)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(target);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(index);
+    return WebGLGetInfo();
+Uint32Array* WebGL2RenderingContext::getUniformIndices(WebGLProgram* program, Vector<String> uniformNames)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(program);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(uniformNames);
+    return nullptr;
+Int32Array* WebGL2RenderingContext::getActiveUniforms(WebGLProgram* program, Uint32Array* uniformIndices, GC3Denum pname)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(program);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(uniformIndices);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(pname);
+    return nullptr;
+GC3Duint WebGL2RenderingContext::getUniformBlockIndex(WebGLProgram* program, String uniformBlockName)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(program);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(uniformBlockName);
+    return 0;
+WebGLGetInfo WebGL2RenderingContext::getActiveUniformBlockParameter(WebGLProgram* program, GC3Duint uniformBlockIndex, GC3Denum pname)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(program);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(uniformBlockIndex);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(pname);
+    return WebGLGetInfo();
+WebGLGetInfo WebGL2RenderingContext::getActiveUniformBlockName(WebGLProgram* program, GC3Duint uniformBlockIndex)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(program);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(uniformBlockIndex);
+    return WebGLGetInfo();
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::uniformBlockBinding(WebGLProgram* program, GC3Duint uniformBlockIndex, GC3Duint uniformBlockBinding)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(program);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(uniformBlockIndex);
+    UNUSED_PARAM(uniformBlockBinding);
+PassRefPtr<WebGLVertexArrayObject> WebGL2RenderingContext::createVertexArray()
+    return nullptr;
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::deleteVertexArray(WebGLVertexArrayObject* vertexArray)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(vertexArray);
+GC3Dboolean WebGL2RenderingContext::isVertexArray(WebGLVertexArrayObject* vertexArray)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(vertexArray);
+    return false;
+void WebGL2RenderingContext::bindVertexArray(WebGLVertexArrayObject* vertexArray)
+    UNUSED_PARAM(vertexArray);
 } // namespace WebCore
 #endif // ENABLE(WEBGL)

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/html/canvas/WebGL2RenderingContext.h (179141 => 179142)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/html/canvas/WebGL2RenderingContext.h	2015-01-26 21:42:40 UTC (rev 179141)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/html/canvas/WebGL2RenderingContext.h	2015-01-26 22:03:00 UTC (rev 179142)
@@ -30,11 +30,139 @@
 namespace WebCore {
+class WebGLQuery;
+class WebGLSampler;
+class WebGLSync;
+class WebGLTransformFeedback;
+class WebGLVertexArrayObject;
 class WebGL2RenderingContext final : public WebGLRenderingContextBase {
     WebGL2RenderingContext(HTMLCanvasElement*, GraphicsContext3D::Attributes);
     WebGL2RenderingContext(HTMLCanvasElement*, PassRefPtr<GraphicsContext3D>, GraphicsContext3D::Attributes);
     virtual bool isWebGL2() const { return true; }
+    /* Buffer objects */
+    void copyBufferSubData(GC3Denum readTarget, GC3Denum writeTarget, GC3Dint64 readOffset, GC3Dint64 writeOffset, GC3Dint64 size);
+    void getBufferSubData(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint64 offset, ArrayBufferView* returnedData);
+    void getBufferSubData(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint64 offset, ArrayBuffer* returnedData);
+    /* Framebuffer objects */
+    WebGLGetInfo getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum attachment, GC3Denum pname);
+    void blitFramebuffer(GC3Dint srcX0, GC3Dint srcY0, GC3Dint srcX1, GC3Dint srcY1, GC3Dint dstX0, GC3Dint dstY0, GC3Dint dstX1, GC3Dint dstY1, GC3Dbitfield mask, GC3Denum filter);
+    void framebufferTextureLayer(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum attachment, GC3Duint texture, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint layer);
+    WebGLGetInfo getInternalformatParameter(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum internalformat, GC3Denum pname);
+    void invalidateFramebuffer(GC3Denum target, Vector<GC3Denum> attachments);
+    void invalidateSubFramebuffer(GC3Denum target, Vector<GC3Denum> attachments, GC3Dint x, GC3Dint y, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height);
+    void readBuffer(GC3Denum src);
+    /* Renderbuffer objects */
+    void renderbufferStorageMultisample(GC3Denum target, GC3Dsizei samples, GC3Denum internalformat, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height);
+    /* Texture objects */
+    void texStorage2D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dsizei levels, GC3Denum internalformat, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height);
+    void texStorage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dsizei levels, GC3Denum internalformat, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, GC3Dsizei depth);
+    void texImage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint internalformat, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, GC3Dsizei depth, GC3Dint border, GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, ArrayBufferView* pixels);
+    void texSubImage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, GC3Dint zoffset, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, GC3Dsizei depth, GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, ArrayBufferView* pixels);
+    void texSubImage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, GC3Dint zoffset, GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, ImageData* source);
+    void texSubImage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, GC3Dint zoffset, GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, HTMLImageElement* source);
+    void texSubImage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, GC3Dint zoffset, GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, HTMLCanvasElement* source);
+    void texSubImage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, GC3Dint zoffset, GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, HTMLVideoElement* source);
+    void copyTexSubImage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, GC3Dint zoffset, GC3Dint x, GC3Dint y, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height);
+    void compressedTexImage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Denum internalformat, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, GC3Dsizei depth, GC3Dint border, GC3Dsizei imageSize, ArrayBufferView* data);
+    void compressedTexSubImage3D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, GC3Dint zoffset, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, GC3Dsizei depth, GC3Denum format, GC3Dsizei imageSize, ArrayBufferView* data);
+    /* Programs and shaders */
+    GC3Dint getFragDataLocation(WebGLProgram* program, String name);
+    /* Uniforms and attributes */
+    void uniform1ui(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Duint v0);
+    void uniform2ui(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Duint v0, GC3Duint v1);
+    void uniform3ui(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Duint v0, GC3Duint v1, GC3Duint v2);
+    void uniform4ui(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Duint v0, GC3Duint v1, GC3Duint v2, GC3Duint v3);
+    void uniform1uiv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, Uint32Array* value);
+    void uniform2uiv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, Uint32Array* value);
+    void uniform3uiv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, Uint32Array* value);
+    void uniform4uiv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, Uint32Array* value);
+    void uniformMatrix2x3fv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dboolean transpose, Float32Array* value);
+    void uniformMatrix3x2fv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dboolean transpose, Float32Array* value);
+    void uniformMatrix2x4fv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dboolean transpose, Float32Array* value);
+    void uniformMatrix4x2fv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dboolean transpose, Float32Array* value);
+    void uniformMatrix3x4fv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dboolean transpose, Float32Array* value);
+    void uniformMatrix4x3fv(WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dboolean transpose, Float32Array* value);
+    void vertexAttribI4i(GC3Duint index, GC3Dint x, GC3Dint y, GC3Dint z, GC3Dint w);
+    void vertexAttribI4iv(GC3Duint index, Int32Array* v);
+    void vertexAttribI4ui(GC3Duint index, GC3Duint x, GC3Duint y, GC3Duint z, GC3Duint w);
+    void vertexAttribI4uiv(GC3Duint index, Uint32Array* v);
+    void vertexAttribIPointer(GC3Duint index, GC3Dint size, GC3Denum type, GC3Dsizei stride, GC3Dint64 offset);
+    /* Writing to the drawing buffer */
+    void vertexAttribDivisor(GC3Duint index, GC3Duint divisor);
+    void drawArraysInstanced(GC3Denum mode, GC3Dint first, GC3Dsizei count, GC3Dsizei instanceCount);
+    void drawElementsInstanced(GC3Denum mode, GC3Dsizei count, GC3Denum type, GC3Dint64 offset, GC3Dsizei instanceCount);
+    void drawRangeElements(GC3Denum mode, GC3Duint start, GC3Duint end, GC3Dsizei count, GC3Denum type, GC3Dint64 offset);
+    /* Multiple Render Targets */
+    void drawBuffers(Vector<GC3Denum> buffers);
+    void clearBufferiv(GC3Denum buffer, GC3Dint drawbuffer, Int32Array* value);
+    void clearBufferuiv(GC3Denum buffer, GC3Dint drawbuffer, Uint32Array* value);
+    void clearBufferfv(GC3Denum buffer, GC3Dint drawbuffer, Float32Array* value);
+    void clearBufferfi(GC3Denum buffer, GC3Dint drawbuffer, GC3Dfloat depth, GC3Dint stencil);
+    /* Query Objects */
+    PassRefPtr<WebGLQuery> createQuery();
+    void deleteQuery(WebGLQuery* query);
+    GC3Dboolean isQuery(WebGLQuery* query);
+    void beginQuery(GC3Denum target, WebGLQuery* query);
+    void endQuery(GC3Denum target);
+    PassRefPtr<WebGLQuery> getQuery(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum pname);
+    WebGLGetInfo getQueryParameter(WebGLQuery* query, GC3Denum pname);
+    /* Sampler Objects */
+    PassRefPtr<WebGLSampler> createSampler();
+    void deleteSampler(WebGLSampler* sampler);
+    GC3Dboolean isSampler(WebGLSampler* sampler);
+    void bindSampler(GC3Duint unit, WebGLSampler* sampler);
+    void samplerParameteri(WebGLSampler* sampler, GC3Denum pname, GC3Dint param);
+    void samplerParameterf(WebGLSampler* sampler, GC3Denum pname, GC3Dfloat param);
+    WebGLGetInfo getSamplerParameter(WebGLSampler* sampler, GC3Denum pname);
+    /* Sync objects */
+    PassRefPtr<WebGLSync> fenceSync(GC3Denum condition, GC3Dbitfield flags);
+    GC3Dboolean isSync(WebGLSync* sync);
+    void deleteSync(WebGLSync* sync);
+    GC3Denum clientWaitSync(WebGLSync* sync, GC3Dbitfield flags, GC3Duint64 timeout);
+    void waitSync(WebGLSync* sync, GC3Dbitfield flags, GC3Duint64 timeout);
+    WebGLGetInfo getSyncParameter(WebGLSync* sync, GC3Denum pname);
+    /* Transform Feedback */
+    PassRefPtr<WebGLTransformFeedback> createTransformFeedback();
+    void deleteTransformFeedback(WebGLTransformFeedback* id);
+    GC3Dboolean isTransformFeedback(WebGLTransformFeedback* id);
+    void bindTransformFeedback(GC3Denum target, WebGLTransformFeedback* id);
+    void beginTransformFeedback(GC3Denum primitiveMode);
+    void endTransformFeedback();
+    void transformFeedbackVaryings(WebGLProgram* program, Vector<String> varyings, GC3Denum bufferMode);
+    PassRefPtr<WebGLActiveInfo> getTransformFeedbackVarying(WebGLProgram* program, GC3Duint index);
+    void pauseTransformFeedback();
+    void resumeTransformFeedback();
+    /* Uniform Buffer Objects and Transform Feedback Buffers */
+    void bindBufferBase(GC3Denum target, GC3Duint index, WebGLBuffer* buffer);
+    void bindBufferRange(GC3Denum target, GC3Duint index, WebGLBuffer* buffer, GC3Dint64 offset, GC3Dint64 size);
+    WebGLGetInfo getIndexedParameter(GC3Denum target, GC3Duint index);
+    Uint32Array* getUniformIndices(WebGLProgram* program, Vector<String> uniformNames);
+    Int32Array* getActiveUniforms(WebGLProgram* program, Uint32Array* uniformIndices, GC3Denum pname);
+    GC3Duint getUniformBlockIndex(WebGLProgram* program, String uniformBlockName);
+    WebGLGetInfo getActiveUniformBlockParameter(WebGLProgram* program, GC3Duint uniformBlockIndex, GC3Denum pname);
+    WebGLGetInfo getActiveUniformBlockName(WebGLProgram* program, GC3Duint uniformBlockIndex);
+    void uniformBlockBinding(WebGLProgram* program, GC3Duint uniformBlockIndex, GC3Duint uniformBlockBinding);
+    /* Vertex Array Objects */
+    PassRefPtr<WebGLVertexArrayObject> createVertexArray();
+    void deleteVertexArray(WebGLVertexArrayObject* vertexArray);
+    GC3Dboolean isVertexArray(WebGLVertexArrayObject* vertexArray);
+    void bindVertexArray(WebGLVertexArrayObject* vertexArray);
 } // namespace WebCore

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/html/canvas/WebGL2RenderingContext.idl (179141 => 179142)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/html/canvas/WebGL2RenderingContext.idl	2015-01-26 21:42:40 UTC (rev 179141)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/html/canvas/WebGL2RenderingContext.idl	2015-01-26 22:03:00 UTC (rev 179142)
@@ -23,12 +23,434 @@
-typedef long long GLint64;
+typedef unsigned long      GLenum;
+typedef boolean            GLboolean;
+typedef unsigned long      GLbitfield;
+typedef byte               GLbyte;
+typedef short              GLshort;
+typedef long               GLint;
+typedef long               GLsizei;
+typedef long long          GLintptr;
+typedef long long          GLsizeiptr;
+typedef long long          GLint64;
+typedef octet              GLubyte;
+typedef unsigned short     GLushort;
+typedef unsigned long      GLuint;
 typedef unsigned long long GLuint64;
+typedef unrestricted float GLfloat;
+typedef unrestricted float GLclampf;
 ] interface WebGL2RenderingContext : WebGLRenderingContextBase {
+    const GLenum READ_BUFFER                                   = 0x0C02;
+    const GLenum UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH                             = 0x0CF2;
+    const GLenum UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS                              = 0x0CF3;
+    const GLenum UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS                            = 0x0CF4;
+    const GLenum PACK_ROW_LENGTH                               = 0x0D02;
+    const GLenum PACK_SKIP_ROWS                                = 0x0D03;
+    const GLenum PACK_SKIP_PIXELS                              = 0x0D04;
+    const GLenum COLOR                                         = 0x1800;
+    const GLenum DEPTH                                         = 0x1801;
+    const GLenum STENCIL                                       = 0x1802;
+    const GLenum RED                                           = 0x1903;
+    const GLenum RGB8                                          = 0x8051;
+    const GLenum RGBA8                                         = 0x8058;
+    const GLenum RGB10_A2                                      = 0x8059;
+    const GLenum TEXTURE_BINDING_3D                            = 0x806A;
+    const GLenum UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES                            = 0x806D;
+    const GLenum UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT                           = 0x806E;
+    const GLenum TEXTURE_3D                                    = 0x806F;
+    const GLenum TEXTURE_WRAP_R                                = 0x8072;
+    const GLenum MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE                           = 0x8073;
+    const GLenum UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV                   = 0x8368;
+    const GLenum MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES                         = 0x80E8;
+    const GLenum MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES                          = 0x80E9;
+    const GLenum TEXTURE_MIN_LOD                               = 0x813A;
+    const GLenum TEXTURE_MAX_LOD                               = 0x813B;
+    const GLenum TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL                            = 0x813C;
+    const GLenum TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL                             = 0x813D;
+    const GLenum MIN                                           = 0x8007;
+    const GLenum MAX                                           = 0x8008;
+    const GLenum DEPTH_COMPONENT24                             = 0x81A6;
+    const GLenum MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS                          = 0x84FD;
+    const GLenum TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE                          = 0x884C;
+    const GLenum TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC                          = 0x884D;
+    const GLenum CURRENT_QUERY                                 = 0x8865;
+    const GLenum QUERY_RESULT                                  = 0x8866;
+    const GLenum QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE                        = 0x8867;
+    const GLenum STREAM_READ                                   = 0x88E1;
+    const GLenum STREAM_COPY                                   = 0x88E2;
+    const GLenum STATIC_READ                                   = 0x88E5;
+    const GLenum STATIC_COPY                                   = 0x88E6;
+    const GLenum DYNAMIC_READ                                  = 0x88E9;
+    const GLenum DYNAMIC_COPY                                  = 0x88EA;
+    const GLenum MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS                              = 0x8824;
+    const GLenum DRAW_BUFFER0                                  = 0x8825;
+    const GLenum DRAW_BUFFER1                                  = 0x8826;
+    const GLenum DRAW_BUFFER2                                  = 0x8827;
+    const GLenum DRAW_BUFFER3                                  = 0x8828;
+    const GLenum DRAW_BUFFER4                                  = 0x8829;
+    const GLenum DRAW_BUFFER5                                  = 0x882A;
+    const GLenum DRAW_BUFFER6                                  = 0x882B;
+    const GLenum DRAW_BUFFER7                                  = 0x882C;
+    const GLenum DRAW_BUFFER8                                  = 0x882D;
+    const GLenum DRAW_BUFFER9                                  = 0x882E;
+    const GLenum DRAW_BUFFER10                                 = 0x882F;
+    const GLenum DRAW_BUFFER11                                 = 0x8830;
+    const GLenum DRAW_BUFFER12                                 = 0x8831;
+    const GLenum DRAW_BUFFER13                                 = 0x8832;
+    const GLenum DRAW_BUFFER14                                 = 0x8833;
+    const GLenum DRAW_BUFFER15                                 = 0x8834;
+    const GLenum MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS               = 0x8B49;
+    const GLenum MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS                 = 0x8B4A;
+    const GLenum SAMPLER_3D                                    = 0x8B5F;
+    const GLenum SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW                             = 0x8B62;
+    const GLenum FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT               = 0x8B8B;
+    const GLenum PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER                             = 0x88EB;
+    const GLenum PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER                           = 0x88EC;
+    const GLenum PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING                     = 0x88ED;
+    const GLenum PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING                   = 0x88EF;
+    const GLenum FLOAT_MAT2x3                                  = 0x8B65;
+    const GLenum FLOAT_MAT2x4                                  = 0x8B66;
+    const GLenum FLOAT_MAT3x2                                  = 0x8B67;
+    const GLenum FLOAT_MAT3x4                                  = 0x8B68;
+    const GLenum FLOAT_MAT4x2                                  = 0x8B69;
+    const GLenum FLOAT_MAT4x3                                  = 0x8B6A;
+    const GLenum SRGB                                          = 0x8C40;
+    const GLenum SRGB8                                         = 0x8C41;
+    const GLenum SRGB8_ALPHA8                                  = 0x8C43;
+    const GLenum COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE                        = 0x884E;
+    const GLenum RGBA32F                                       = 0x8814;
+    const GLenum RGB32F                                        = 0x8815;
+    const GLenum RGBA16F                                       = 0x881A;
+    const GLenum RGB16F                                        = 0x881B;
+    const GLenum VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER                   = 0x88FD;
+    const GLenum MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS                      = 0x88FF;
+    const GLenum MIN_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET                      = 0x8904;
+    const GLenum MAX_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET                      = 0x8905;
+    const GLenum MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS                        = 0x8B4B;
+    const GLenum TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY                              = 0x8C1A;
+    const GLenum TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY                      = 0x8C1D;
+    const GLenum R11F_G11F_B10F                                = 0x8C3A;
+    const GLenum UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV                  = 0x8C3B;
+    const GLenum RGB9_E5                                       = 0x8C3D;
+    const GLenum UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV                      = 0x8C3E;
+    const GLenum TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_MODE                = 0x8C7F;
+    const GLenum TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYINGS                   = 0x8C83;
+    const GLenum TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_START               = 0x8C84;
+    const GLenum TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE                = 0x8C85;
+    const GLenum RASTERIZER_DISCARD                            = 0x8C89;
+    const GLenum INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS                           = 0x8C8C;
+    const GLenum SEPARATE_ATTRIBS                              = 0x8C8D;
+    const GLenum TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER                     = 0x8C8E;
+    const GLenum TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING             = 0x8C8F;
+    const GLenum RGBA32UI                                      = 0x8D70;
+    const GLenum RGB32UI                                       = 0x8D71;
+    const GLenum RGBA16UI                                      = 0x8D76;
+    const GLenum RGB16UI                                       = 0x8D77;
+    const GLenum RGBA8UI                                       = 0x8D7C;
+    const GLenum RGB8UI                                        = 0x8D7D;
+    const GLenum RGBA32I                                       = 0x8D82;
+    const GLenum RGB32I                                        = 0x8D83;
+    const GLenum RGBA16I                                       = 0x8D88;
+    const GLenum RGB16I                                        = 0x8D89;
+    const GLenum RGBA8I                                        = 0x8D8E;
+    const GLenum RGB8I                                         = 0x8D8F;
+    const GLenum RED_INTEGER                                   = 0x8D94;
+    const GLenum RGB_INTEGER                                   = 0x8D98;
+    const GLenum RGBA_INTEGER                                  = 0x8D99;
+    const GLenum SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY                              = 0x8DC1;
+    const GLenum SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_SHADOW                       = 0x8DC4;
+    const GLenum SAMPLER_CUBE_SHADOW                           = 0x8DC5;
+    const GLenum UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2                             = 0x8DC6;
+    const GLenum UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3                             = 0x8DC7;
+    const GLenum UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4                             = 0x8DC8;
+    const GLenum INT_SAMPLER_2D                                = 0x8DCA;
+    const GLenum INT_SAMPLER_3D                                = 0x8DCB;
+    const GLenum INT_SAMPLER_CUBE                              = 0x8DCC;
+    const GLenum INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY                          = 0x8DCF;
+    const GLenum UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D                       = 0x8DD2;
+    const GLenum UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_3D                       = 0x8DD3;
+    const GLenum UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE                     = 0x8DD4;
+    const GLenum UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY                 = 0x8DD7;
+    const GLenum DEPTH_COMPONENT32F                            = 0x8CAC;
+    const GLenum DEPTH32F_STENCIL8                             = 0x8CAD;
+    const GLenum FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV                = 0x8DAD;
+    const GLenum FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_ENCODING         = 0x8210;
+    const GLenum FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COMPONENT_TYPE         = 0x8211;
+    const GLenum FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_RED_SIZE               = 0x8212;
+    const GLenum FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_GREEN_SIZE             = 0x8213;
+    const GLenum FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_BLUE_SIZE              = 0x8214;
+    const GLenum FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_ALPHA_SIZE             = 0x8215;
+    const GLenum FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_DEPTH_SIZE             = 0x8216;
+    const GLenum FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL_SIZE           = 0x8217;
+    const GLenum FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT                           = 0x8218;
+    const GLenum DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT                      = 0x821A;
+    const GLenum DEPTH_STENCIL                                 = 0x84F9;
+    const GLenum UNSIGNED_INT_24_8                             = 0x84FA;
+    const GLenum DEPTH24_STENCIL8                              = 0x88F0;
+    const GLenum UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED                           = 0x8C17;
+    const GLenum DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING                      = 0x8CA6; /* Same as FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING */
+    const GLenum READ_FRAMEBUFFER                              = 0x8CA8;
+    const GLenum DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER                              = 0x8CA9;
+    const GLenum READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING                      = 0x8CAA;
+    const GLenum RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES                          = 0x8CAB;
+    const GLenum MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS                         = 0x8CDF;
+    const GLenum COLOR_ATTACHMENT1                             = 0x8CE1;
+    const GLenum COLOR_ATTACHMENT2                             = 0x8CE2;
+    const GLenum COLOR_ATTACHMENT3                             = 0x8CE3;
+    const GLenum COLOR_ATTACHMENT4                             = 0x8CE4;
+    const GLenum COLOR_ATTACHMENT5                             = 0x8CE5;
+    const GLenum COLOR_ATTACHMENT6                             = 0x8CE6;
+    const GLenum COLOR_ATTACHMENT7                             = 0x8CE7;
+    const GLenum COLOR_ATTACHMENT8                             = 0x8CE8;
+    const GLenum COLOR_ATTACHMENT9                             = 0x8CE9;
+    const GLenum COLOR_ATTACHMENT10                            = 0x8CEA;
+    const GLenum COLOR_ATTACHMENT11                            = 0x8CEB;
+    const GLenum COLOR_ATTACHMENT12                            = 0x8CEC;
+    const GLenum COLOR_ATTACHMENT13                            = 0x8CED;
+    const GLenum COLOR_ATTACHMENT14                            = 0x8CEE;
+    const GLenum COLOR_ATTACHMENT15                            = 0x8CEF;
+    const GLenum FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE            = 0x8D56;
+    const GLenum MAX_SAMPLES                                   = 0x8D57;
+    const GLenum HALF_FLOAT                                    = 0x140B;
+    const GLenum RG                                            = 0x8227;
+    const GLenum RG_INTEGER                                    = 0x8228;
+    const GLenum R8                                            = 0x8229;
+    const GLenum RG8                                           = 0x822B;
+    const GLenum R16F                                          = 0x822D;
+    const GLenum R32F                                          = 0x822E;
+    const GLenum RG16F                                         = 0x822F;
+    const GLenum RG32F                                         = 0x8230;
+    const GLenum R8I                                           = 0x8231;
+    const GLenum R8UI                                          = 0x8232;
+    const GLenum R16I                                          = 0x8233;
+    const GLenum R16UI                                         = 0x8234;
+    const GLenum R32I                                          = 0x8235;
+    const GLenum R32UI                                         = 0x8236;
+    const GLenum RG8I                                          = 0x8237;
+    const GLenum RG8UI                                         = 0x8238;
+    const GLenum RG16I                                         = 0x8239;
+    const GLenum RG16UI                                        = 0x823A;
+    const GLenum RG32I                                         = 0x823B;
+    const GLenum RG32UI                                        = 0x823C;
+    const GLenum VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING                          = 0x85B5;
+    const GLenum R8_SNORM                                      = 0x8F94;
+    const GLenum RG8_SNORM                                     = 0x8F95;
+    const GLenum RGB8_SNORM                                    = 0x8F96;
+    const GLenum RGBA8_SNORM                                   = 0x8F97;
+    const GLenum SIGNED_NORMALIZED                             = 0x8F9C;
+    const GLenum PRIMITIVE_RESTART_FIXED_INDEX                 = 0x8D69;
+    const GLenum COPY_READ_BUFFER                              = 0x8F36;
+    const GLenum COPY_WRITE_BUFFER                             = 0x8F37;
+    const GLenum COPY_READ_BUFFER_BINDING                      = 0x8F36; /* Same as COPY_READ_BUFFER */
+    const GLenum COPY_WRITE_BUFFER_BINDING                     = 0x8F37; /* Same as COPY_WRITE_BUFFER */
+    const GLenum UNIFORM_BUFFER                                = 0x8A11;
+    const GLenum UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDING                        = 0x8A28;
+    const GLenum UNIFORM_BUFFER_START                          = 0x8A29;
+    const GLenum UNIFORM_BUFFER_SIZE                           = 0x8A2A;
+    const GLenum MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_BLOCKS                     = 0x8A2B;
+    const GLenum MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_BLOCKS                   = 0x8A2D;
+    const GLenum MAX_COMBINED_UNIFORM_BLOCKS                   = 0x8A2E;
+    const GLenum MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS                   = 0x8A2F;
+    const GLenum MAX_UNIFORM_BLOCK_SIZE                        = 0x8A30;
+    const GLenum UNIFORM_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT               = 0x8A34;
+    const GLenum ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS                         = 0x8A36;
+    const GLenum UNIFORM_TYPE                                  = 0x8A37;
+    const GLenum UNIFORM_SIZE                                  = 0x8A38;
+    const GLenum UNIFORM_BLOCK_INDEX                           = 0x8A3A;
+    const GLenum UNIFORM_OFFSET                                = 0x8A3B;
+    const GLenum UNIFORM_ARRAY_STRIDE                          = 0x8A3C;
+    const GLenum UNIFORM_MATRIX_STRIDE                         = 0x8A3D;
+    const GLenum UNIFORM_IS_ROW_MAJOR                          = 0x8A3E;
+    const GLenum UNIFORM_BLOCK_BINDING                         = 0x8A3F;
+    const GLenum UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE                       = 0x8A40;
+    const GLenum UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS                 = 0x8A42;
+    const GLenum UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_INDICES          = 0x8A43;
+    const GLenum INVALID_INDEX                                 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+    const GLenum MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS                  = 0x9122;
+    const GLenum MAX_FRAGMENT_INPUT_COMPONENTS                 = 0x9125;
+    const GLenum MAX_SERVER_WAIT_TIMEOUT                       = 0x9111;
+    const GLenum OBJECT_TYPE                                   = 0x9112;
+    const GLenum SYNC_CONDITION                                = 0x9113;
+    const GLenum SYNC_STATUS                                   = 0x9114;
+    const GLenum SYNC_FLAGS                                    = 0x9115;
+    const GLenum SYNC_FENCE                                    = 0x9116;
+    const GLenum SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE                    = 0x9117;
+    const GLenum UNSIGNALED                                    = 0x9118;
+    const GLenum SIGNALED                                      = 0x9119;
+    const GLenum ALREADY_SIGNALED                              = 0x911A;
+    const GLenum TIMEOUT_EXPIRED                               = 0x911B;
+    const GLenum CONDITION_SATISFIED                           = 0x911C;
+    const GLenum WAIT_FAILED                                   = 0x911D;
+    const GLenum SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT                       = 0x00000001;
+    const GLenum VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR                   = 0x88FE;
+    const GLenum ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED                            = 0x8C2F;
+    const GLenum ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_CONSERVATIVE               = 0x8D6A;
+    const GLenum SAMPLER_BINDING                               = 0x8919;
+    const GLenum RGB10_A2UI                                    = 0x906F;
+    const GLenum TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R                             = 0x8E42;
+    const GLenum TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G                             = 0x8E43;
+    const GLenum TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B                             = 0x8E44;
+    const GLenum TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A                             = 0x8E45;
+    const GLenum GREEN                                         = 0x1904;
+    const GLenum BLUE                                          = 0x1905;
+    const GLenum INT_2_10_10_10_REV                            = 0x8D9F;
+    const GLenum TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK                            = 0x8E22;
+    const GLenum TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PAUSED                     = 0x8E23;
+    const GLenum TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_ACTIVE                     = 0x8E24;
+    const GLenum TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BINDING                    = 0x8E25;
+    const GLenum COMPRESSED_R11_EAC                            = 0x9270;
+    const GLenum COMPRESSED_SIGNED_R11_EAC                     = 0x9271;
+    const GLenum COMPRESSED_RG11_EAC                           = 0x9272;
+    const GLenum COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG11_EAC                    = 0x9273;
+    const GLenum COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2                          = 0x9274;
+    const GLenum COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ETC2                         = 0x9275;
+    const GLenum COMPRESSED_RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2      = 0x9276;
+    const GLenum COMPRESSED_SRGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2     = 0x9277;
+    const GLenum COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC                     = 0x9278;
+    const GLenum COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ETC2_EAC              = 0x9279;
+    const GLenum TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT                      = 0x912F;
+    const GLenum MAX_ELEMENT_INDEX                             = 0x8D6B;
+    const GLenum NUM_SAMPLE_COUNTS                             = 0x9380;
+    const GLenum TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_LEVELS                      = 0x82DF;
+    const GLuint64 TIMEOUT_IGNORED                             = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
+    /* Buffer objects */
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void copyBufferSubData(GLenum readTarget, GLenum writeTarget, GLintptr readOffset, GLintptr writeOffset, GLsizeiptr size);
+    // MapBufferRange, in particular its read-only and write-only modes,
+    // can not be exposed safely to _javascript_. GetBufferSubData
+    // replaces it for the purpose of fetching data back from the GPU.
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void getBufferSubData(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, ArrayBufferView returnedData);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void getBufferSubData(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, ArrayBuffer returnedData);
+    /* Framebuffer objects */
+    [StrictTypeChecking, Custom] any getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void blitFramebuffer(GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void framebufferTextureLayer(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer);
+    [StrictTypeChecking, Custom] any getInternalformatParameter(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLenum pname);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void invalidateFramebuffer(GLenum target, sequence<GLenum> attachments);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void invalidateSubFramebuffer(GLenum target, sequence<GLenum> attachments, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void readBuffer(GLenum src);
+    /* Renderbuffer objects */
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void renderbufferStorageMultisample(GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+    /* Texture objects */
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void texStorage2D(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void texStorage3D(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void texImage3D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, ArrayBufferView? pixels);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void texSubImage3D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, ArrayBufferView? pixels);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void texSubImage3D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLenum format, GLenum type, ImageData? source);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void texSubImage3D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLenum format, GLenum type, HTMLImageElement? source);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void texSubImage3D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLenum format, GLenum type, HTMLCanvasElement? source);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void texSubImage3D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLenum format, GLenum type, HTMLVideoElement? source);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void copyTexSubImage3D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void compressedTexImage3D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, ArrayBufferView data);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void compressedTexSubImage3D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, ArrayBufferView data);
+    /* Programs and shaders */
+    [StrictTypeChecking] GLint getFragDataLocation(WebGLProgram? program, DOMString name);
+    /* Uniforms and attributes */
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void uniform1ui(WebGLUniformLocation? location, GLuint v0);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void uniform2ui(WebGLUniformLocation? location, GLuint v0, GLuint v1);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void uniform3ui(WebGLUniformLocation? location, GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void uniform4ui(WebGLUniformLocation? location, GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint v3);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void uniform1uiv(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Uint32Array value);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void uniform2uiv(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Uint32Array value);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void uniform3uiv(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Uint32Array value);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void uniform4uiv(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Uint32Array value);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void uniformMatrix2x3fv(WebGLUniformLocation? location, GLboolean transpose, Float32Array value);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void uniformMatrix3x2fv(WebGLUniformLocation? location, GLboolean transpose, Float32Array value);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void uniformMatrix2x4fv(WebGLUniformLocation? location, GLboolean transpose, Float32Array value);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void uniformMatrix4x2fv(WebGLUniformLocation? location, GLboolean transpose, Float32Array value);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void uniformMatrix3x4fv(WebGLUniformLocation? location, GLboolean transpose, Float32Array value);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void uniformMatrix4x3fv(WebGLUniformLocation? location, GLboolean transpose, Float32Array value);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void vertexAttribI4i(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void vertexAttribI4iv(GLuint index, Int32Array v);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void vertexAttribI4ui(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void vertexAttribI4uiv(GLuint index, Uint32Array v);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void vertexAttribIPointer(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLintptr offset);
+    /* Writing to the drawing buffer */
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void vertexAttribDivisor(GLuint index, GLuint divisor);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void drawArraysInstanced(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei instanceCount);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void drawElementsInstanced(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, GLintptr offset, GLsizei instanceCount);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void drawRangeElements(GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, GLintptr offset);
+    /* Multiple Render Targets */
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void drawBuffers(sequence<GLenum> buffers);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void clearBufferiv(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, Int32Array value);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void clearBufferuiv(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, Uint32Array value);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void clearBufferfv(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, Float32Array value);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void clearBufferfi(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, GLfloat depth, GLint stencil);
+    /* Query Objects */
+    [StrictTypeChecking] WebGLQuery createQuery();
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void deleteQuery(WebGLQuery? query);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] GLboolean isQuery(WebGLQuery? query);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void beginQuery(GLenum target, WebGLQuery? query);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void endQuery(GLenum target);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] WebGLQuery getQuery(GLenum target, GLenum pname);
+    [StrictTypeChecking, Custom] any getQueryParameter(WebGLQuery? query, GLenum pname);
+    /* Sampler Objects */
+    [StrictTypeChecking] WebGLSampler createSampler();
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void deleteSampler(WebGLSampler? sampler);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] GLboolean isSampler(WebGLSampler? sampler);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void bindSampler(GLuint unit, WebGLSampler? sampler);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void samplerParameteri(WebGLSampler? sampler, GLenum pname, GLint param);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void samplerParameterf(WebGLSampler? sampler, GLenum pname, GLfloat param);
+    [StrictTypeChecking, Custom] any getSamplerParameter(WebGLSampler? sampler, GLenum pname);
+    /* Sync objects */
+    [StrictTypeChecking] WebGLSync fenceSync(GLenum condition, GLbitfield flags);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] GLboolean isSync(WebGLSync? sync);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void deleteSync(WebGLSync? sync);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] GLenum clientWaitSync(WebGLSync? sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void waitSync(WebGLSync? sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout);
+    [StrictTypeChecking, Custom] any getSyncParameter(WebGLSync? sync, GLenum pname);
+    /* Transform Feedback */
+    [StrictTypeChecking] WebGLTransformFeedback createTransformFeedback();
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void deleteTransformFeedback(WebGLTransformFeedback? id);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] GLboolean isTransformFeedback(WebGLTransformFeedback? id);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void bindTransformFeedback(GLenum target, WebGLTransformFeedback? id);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void beginTransformFeedback(GLenum primitiveMode);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void endTransformFeedback();
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void transformFeedbackVaryings(WebGLProgram? program, sequence<DOMString> varyings, GLenum bufferMode);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] WebGLActiveInfo getTransformFeedbackVarying(WebGLProgram? program, GLuint index);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void pauseTransformFeedback();
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void resumeTransformFeedback();
+    /* Uniform Buffer Objects and Transform Feedback Buffers */
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void bindBufferBase(GLenum target, GLuint index, WebGLBuffer? buffer);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void bindBufferRange(GLenum target, GLuint index, WebGLBuffer? buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size);
+    [StrictTypeChecking, Custom] any getIndexedParameter(GLenum target, GLuint index);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] Uint32Array getUniformIndices(WebGLProgram? program, sequence<DOMString> uniformNames);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] Int32Array getActiveUniforms(WebGLProgram? program, Uint32Array uniformIndices, GLenum pname);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] GLuint getUniformBlockIndex(WebGLProgram? program, DOMString uniformBlockName);
+    [StrictTypeChecking, Custom] any getActiveUniformBlockParameter(WebGLProgram? program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLenum pname);
+    [StrictTypeChecking, Custom] any getActiveUniformBlockName(WebGLProgram? program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void uniformBlockBinding(WebGLProgram? program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLuint uniformBlockBinding);
+    /* Vertex Array Objects */
+    [StrictTypeChecking] WebGLVertexArrayObject createVertexArray();
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void deleteVertexArray(WebGLVertexArrayObject? vertexArray);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] GLboolean isVertexArray(WebGLVertexArrayObject? vertexArray);
+    [StrictTypeChecking] void bindVertexArray(WebGLVertexArrayObject? vertexArray);

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/GraphicsTypes3D.h (179141 => 179142)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/GraphicsTypes3D.h	2015-01-26 21:42:40 UTC (rev 179141)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/GraphicsTypes3D.h	2015-01-26 22:03:00 UTC (rev 179142)
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@
 typedef intptr_t GC3Dintptr;
 typedef intptr_t GC3Dsizeiptr;
 typedef char GC3Dchar;
+typedef long long GC3Dint64;
+typedef unsigned long long GC3Duint64;
 typedef GC3Duint Platform3DObject;
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