
(sorry for the spam if it's duplicate - it seemed like the server discarded the email)

More systematic description of idea with using ranges:

The Accept-Resolution header has the same overall syntax as the other accept headers to simplify parsing (and reduce bugs in web-servers). Each item-value is a range of non-negative integer dpi values. The range includes both values and the two values are separated by a dash. A range with the first number larger than the second is empty/ invalid and is ignored. If multiple medias match a range, the media closest to the range's midpoint is selected.

If the header is not specified, it is equvalent to:
        Accept-Resolution: 70-80;q=3, 50-150;q=2, *;q=1
so the server defaults to send media fitted for most computer displays.

If the header is specified, no default value/asterix is assumed. If no range match the available media, a 406 error is returned.

To get normal usage for a desktop browser:
        Accept-Resolution: 70-80;q=3, 50-150;q=2, *;q=1

A high-resolution for printing would use e.g.:
        Accept-Resolution: 250-400;q=3, 150-600;q=2, *;q=1

A phone could use:
        Accept-Resolution: 70-80;q=3, 10-120;q=2
as the phone doesn't specify the asterix, no media of dpi=200 is allowed to be sent to it. The phone UA might ask the user if it should retry and allow higher-resolution.

If the server response does not include a "Content-Resolution" header, it is assumed that only one version of the media is available. So only for reponses including the header should the browser try to obtain high-resolution media for printouts.

   - Peter Speck

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