Hello guys,
  I tried to build the webkit on windows but failed. Here are the steps I 
  1. Install Visual C++ 2005 Express
  2. Install Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2005 Service Pack 1
  3 .Install the Windows Platform SD. Add the path following the installation 
  4. Install Cygwin
  5. download webKit source code
  6. Download the WebKit Support Libraries  and put it in the webKit folder
  7. open Cygwin console, run WebKit/WebKitTools/Scripts/build-webkit
  the error message is as follow
  Unsupported platform, can't determine built library locations. at 
0339.DS/WebKit/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitdirs.pm line 343.
  Does anybody konw what's wrong? 
  thanks in advance
  James Tu
webkit-dev mailing list

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