On 2008-07-02, at 00:40, Jörg Bornemann wrote:

Hi Darin,

Thanks for your detailed comments!

Adding <windows.h> to Assertions.h will not cause it to be included in
public headers. Assertions.h is not designed to be used in public
headers; it's for internal use inside the WebKit project.

I've just executed the following:
find . -name '*.h' -exec grep -Hn 'Assertions.h' '{}' \;

You're sure, that none of the 40+ files, the above call yields, is a
public header or used inside a public header?
  But well, if Assertions.h is meant to be part of the private API,
that particular argument of mine is void. A public header including
Assertions.h, even an indirect include, should then be considered as bug?

On Mac OS X, Assertions.h is not installed on developer systems. This means that if any API header were to include it, applications using the API would be unable to build. I would expect that the other ports behave similarly.

- Mark

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