Hi Tunheen/Adam,
I already had Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2 and
configured it correctly. But just to check i have installed Microsoft
Platform SDK for Windows XP SP2 and had given a try , but errors remain same
:( and got couple more warnings as well.

Tried  setting WEBKITOUTPUTDIR beneath E:\Cygwin\home\perforceadmin and no
change happens .

I belive *.lut.h files (as seen in error) are autogenerated files and am not
getting which script is responsible for that and i guess this will happen as
a pre-build activity .In my case *.lut.h files are not getting created..

Any more clues please

2008/8/13 Sinha Tuheen-A19034 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  Hi Binish,
>         Another suggestion. Have you installed the Platform SDK for
> Windows XP SP2 and ensured that you have added the paths for include,
> library and executables in your VC setup?
> Regards,
> Tuheen
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Adam Roben
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 13, 2008 10:33 AM
> *To:* Binish
> *Cc:* webkit-dev@lists.webkit.org
> *Subject:* Re: [webkit-dev] Compilation Erro usinf VC 2005 Express Edition
> Try setting WEBKITOUTPUTDIR to a path beneath E:\Cygwin\home\perforceadmin.
> That's how most users have things configured. If that fixes things, please
> file a bug at bugs.webkit.org saying that the build fails when
> WEBKITOUTPUTDIR is outside the home directory.
> Thanks!
> -Adam
>  On Aug 13, 2008, at 12:02 AM, Binish wrote:
>  Hi Adam,
> I do set those variables, please find below my paths
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS
> APPDATA=C:\Documents and Settings\perforceadmin.PERFORCE\Application Data
> CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
> ComSpec=C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
> HOMEPATH=\Documents and Settings\perforceadmin.PERFORCE
> OS=Windows_NT
> Path=C:\Perl\bin\;C:\PROGRA~1\Borland\CBUILD~1\Bin;C:\PROGRA~1\Borland\CBUILD~1\Projects\Bpl;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program
> Files\Perforce;C:\Program Files\RSA Security\RSA SecurID Software
> Token\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
> Server\90\Tools\binn\;E:\Cygwin\bin;E:\Cygwin\usr\include\python2.5;ABHINAV
> BINDRA ;C:\PROGRA~1\TTPCom\Alchemy;C:\Program Files\Vim\vim63
> PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel
> ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
> SystemDrive=C:
> SystemRoot=C:\WINDOWS
> TEMP=C:\Documents and Settings\perforceadmin.PERFORCE\Local Settings\Temp;
> USERNAME=perforceadmin
> USERPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\perforceadmin.PERFORCE
> VS80COMNTOOLS=E:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Tools\
> WEBKITLIBRARIESDIR=E:\Cygwin\home\perforceadmin\WebKit\WebKitLibraries\win
> windir=C:\WINDOWS
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Still getting the same errors as i mentioned earlier like below
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  DatePrototype.cpp
> ..\..\kjs\DatePrototype.cpp(106) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include
> file: 'DatePrototype.lut.h': No such file or directory
> NumberConstructor.cpp
> ..\..\kjs\NumberConstructor.cpp(24) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open
> include file: 'NumberConstructor.lut.h': No such file or directory
> RegExpObject.cpp
> ..\..\kjs\RegExpObject.cpp(23) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include
> file: 'RegExpObject.lut.h': No such file or directory
> StringPrototype.cpp
> ..\..\kjs\StringPrototype.cpp(72) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include
> file: 'StringPrototype.lut.h': No such file or directory
> lexer.cpp
> ..\..\kjs\lexer.cpp(48) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file:
> 'lexer.lut.h': No such file or directory
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Any thoughts  please?
> Thanks
> 2008/8/11 Adam Roben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> On Aug 11, 2008, at 10:41 AM, Binish wrote:
>> Hi Adam,
>>> I have already tried configuring both in a diffenrent location , and
>>> result remains same , sorry i did not get about build-webkit !,From VC tools
>>> menu i directly give "build solution" am not runnign from cygwin,Using
>>> cygwin i was able to compile successfully.
>>> Now i feel that "autogenarated" files are not gettign created ...!!.
>>> Any suggestions please ..
>> If you want to build from Visual Studio, you need to set the
>> WEBKITLIBRARIESDIR and WEBKITOUTPUTDIR environment variables. You should set
>> these variables to the values that build-webkit sets them to. build-webkit
>> prints out the values when it starts the build, so you should be able to
>> copy and paste them.
>> -Adam
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