On 2/1/09 05:55, zaheer ahmad wrote:
Thanks for your response. extending my question, r there plans for wap
2.0 specifications (xhtml mp, css mp, ecmascript mp) too?

Hmm. A quick look at these specs:

* http://www.w3.org/TR/css-mobile/
* http://www.openmobilealliance.org/tech/affiliates/wap/wap-277-xhtmlmp-20011029-a.pdf * http://www.openmobilealliance.org/technical/release_program/docs/Browsing/V2_2-20061020-A/OMA-WAP-ESMP-V1_0-20061020-A.pdf

suggests that these are intended to be strict subsets of:

1) CSS 2.1

2) Modularized XHTML 1.1

3) ECMAScript 262 + W3C DOM + common Browser Object Model (BOM)

Is WebKit's attempt to support these superset specifications and interfaces not sufficient to automatically provide practical support for the WAP 2.0 specifications for free?

It seems to me that anything from these specs WebKit does not support could be found in the superset specifications/interfaces and filed as a bug with its implementation of them.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
webkit-dev mailing list

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