Thank you for the reply. I filed a bug as you suggested.

By the way, the debugger works great otherwise. I've been having all kinds
of trouble with Firebug's, and if it weren't for the keyboard shortcuts I'd
switch altogether.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 7:58 AM, Adam Roben <> wrote:

> Hi Daniel-
> On Feb 8, 2009, at 4:02 PM, Daniel Gackle wrote:
>  (I haven't posted before, and am not sure this is the right place for my
>> question. If it isn't, please direct me elsewhere.)
> This mailing list is an OK place for a question such as this.
>  I'm getting familiar with the debugger in Web Inspector. I can't find
>> keyboard shortcuts for the basic commands (step into, step over, and so on).
>> Do they exist, or is there a way to make one's own bindings?
> I think the only keyboard shortcuts in the Inspector currently are
> Ctrl/Cmd-F to focus the search field and [Shift-]Ctrl/Cmd-G to move through
> the search results. Please feel free to file a bug at <
>> for any keyboard shortcuts you'd like to see
> added.
> -Adam
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