
On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 2:44 PM, Zhe Su <> wrote:

> Hi,
>    I'm developing an application which uses webkit's JavaScriptCore and a
> customized global object (by providing a special class when creating the
> context). My customized global object provides some built-in properties that
> can be accessed by javascript code. Now, I want to support a special
> behavior: allows javascript code to override a built-in property of global
> object by using variable declaraction statement. For example, assuming the
> global object has a built-in property, named "foo", a "var foo;" statement
> shall create a javascript variable, named "foo" and the original built-in
> "foo" shall be overrid by this new javascript variable. But if there is no
> "var foo;" statement, the built-in foo shall be able to get and set from
> javascript code.
> Now the problem is, current JavaScriptCore's C API (especially those
> HasProperty, GetProperty, SetProperty callbacks of a class definition) can't
> distinguish variable delcaration statement and variable assigment statement.
> I checked SpiderMonkey's API and found it can distinguish such things by
> providing a flag when calling ResolveProperty callback.
> Do you have any idea on this issue? How can I implement such behavior based
> on current API?
> Regards
> James Su
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