On May 26, 2009, at 6:11 PM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

Did you say partly because it's more complicated than just splitting one class (and only having 1-way sync communication)? If so, then we're still on the same page, because that's what I'll be doing as well. I was just using the StorageBackend as an example, but events will require signals from the backend to the frontend, and some abstractions (like StorageArea) make a lot of sense whether or not things are split into two pieces, which sounds a lot like what you described with ResourceHandle.

As a side note - I think it would be cool if we used more specific names than "Backend" and "Frontened" in the actual code, since which end is front and back is not always obvious nor always agreed upon by all observers. I like Proxy and Impl ok as name pairs, not sure if that's the same relationship you have in mind.


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