02.06.2009, в 0:19, Drew Wilson написал(а):

My design doc just reflects the current spec - I don't really intend to be the defender of said spec. As I said previously, I think this is the wrong venue for us to describe issues with the spec - we should do it on the whatwg list to include other stakeholders.

Did my response to Michael Nordman's message make the nature of objections more clear?

I'd be happy to start that conversation on the whatwg list, but to be honest I don't think I'm quite understanding what your objections to the current spec are. Would you mind kicking off that discussion with whatwg, outlining your concerns?

I think that there is value in discussing this among WebKit developers, as we can talk about how the design corresponds to low level implementation details. This is always important, but it would create a communication barrier on other venues.

- WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov

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