We certainly would love to see that happen and gladly commit helping
to make this happen.


On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 3:15 PM, Maciej Stachowiak<m...@apple.com> wrote:
> I think our number of different build systems is getting out of hand. Since
> gyp is being successfully used to build across platforms, and maintained by
> people who also work on some WebKit ports (and can thus likely be adapted to
> our needs), I'd like to consider whether we can use it for Apple's ports,
> and maybe consider rolling it out to additional ports over time. The gyp
> strategy of creating platform-native project files sounds like a good
> general approach.
>  - Maciej
> On Jul 9, 2009, at 9:23 PM, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:
>> Dear WebKiteurs,
>> In our persisting quest to be more like a common WebKit port, we have
>> added Chromium build files to the tree this afternoon. These files are
>> WebCore/WebCore.gypi and JavaScriptCore/JavaScriptCore.gypi and they
>> are the GYP include files. As you may know, we use GYP
>> (http://code.google.com/p/gyp) for generating MSVC, XCode, Scons, and
>> even Make projects for Chromium.
>> We are rather fond of GYP. Perhaps it is because it allows us to
>> maintain one set of project files for all three Chromium platforms;
>> or maybe because it lets us to do things like WebCore.gypi, where we
>> can just mindlessly add all project files to the list and then use
>> various neat GYP filtering facilities to narrow them down to sets that
>> are relevant for specific builds;
>> or maybe because it easifies creating cross-platform and
>> cross-build-system targets, actions, and rules;
>> or maybe because we just love saying "Gyp!"
>> I don't truthfully know.
>> What I do know is that starting now, we'd love for you to remember
>> WebCore.gypi and JavaScriptCore.gypi when you are adding or removing
>> files from WebCore or JavaScriptCore. Thanks to the power of GYP, you
>> don't have worry whether this file will be used by Chromium: the rule
>> is that if there's a project file change, it applies to the *.gypi
>> files. The format is very simple and intuitive, a simple Python/JSONey
>> list+dict.
>> Thank you for your attention, men and women of WebKit.
>> :DG<
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