On 8/8/09, Jeremy Orlow <jor...@chromium.org> wrote:
> Have you looked at WebKitTools/Scripts/bugzilla-tool?
> There's a lot of overlap between what it does and what you do, but there are
> definitely (very cool) features in yours that it doesn't have.

 another thing that was initially in there, and is commented out right
now, well, you can see part of it: changelogextract.py.  the reasoning
behind this is to migrate from having the ChangeLog text _in_ the
ChangeLog to having it in a separate suite of files.

 the unfortunate thing about ChangeLog is that a) it's a moving target
b) it's a _rolling_ moving target.  by keeping the entries on a
per-patch-group basis separate, you save time and effort esp. when
maintaining patches for over a year.

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