On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 6:25 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <m...@apple.com> wrote:

> On Aug 21, 2009, at 6:15 PM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 5:57 PM, Joseph Pecoraro <joepec...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Aug 21, 2009, at 8: 32PM, Darin Adler wrote:
>>> I’m a little irritated that we’re changing our Subversion scripts,
>>> svn-create-patch, svn-apply, and svn-unapply into WebKit-specific scripts.
>>> Previously, they were scripts that were independent of the particular
>>> project that enhanced Subversion in a non-project-specific way. I used the
>>> WebKit version on many projects other than the WebKit project.
>>> I think the names should change if we’re changing them to do
>>> WebKit-specific things.
>> I don't think the change I did before was WebKit specific.  And the
>> changes (not committed) to svn-[un]apply only reflect the changes to
>> svn-create-patch, but are again not WebKit specific.  These changes ensure
>> that patches are created and applied from the root of any SVN Repository
>> (which in fact is what git does by default and makes the most sense by
>> removing any possible ambiguity or forcing someone to know which directory
>> they should apply a patch).  There has been some loss of functionality [1],
>> but that can be fixed.
>> [1] Create a patch without svn-create-patch which contains paths not from
>> the repository's root and then attempting to use svn-apply or svn-unapply to
>> deal with the patch.
>> These are the only changes I know of.  If there are any others its
>> possible they may be WebKit specific.
> Even if they were WebKit specific, I guess i don't see what the problem
> would be.  After all, the tools are checked into WebKitTools in the webkit
> repository.  Making them more useful for WebKit development at the expense
> of other development seems like an OK trade-off to me.
> Note that you could always grab a version of the files from back when they
> behaved the way you wanted and stick them in ~/bin (or some other dir on
> your path).
> FWIW Darin wrote the original CVS-based versions of these tools. That's not
> to say he owns their descendants forever, but telling him he should go to
> extraordinary lengths to make use of them for other purposes seems a little
> presumptuous.

I wasn't aware of that.  I guess that kind of does change things.  :-)
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