No, it is more restrictive now than it was 6 months ago -- I was attempting to implement this back then and the ambiguity in handling the more excitingly complex objects (now simply "return null") made it substantially more complex, that is the only reason the implementation is not currently matching the object clone semantic. JSON was never sufficient for the purpose of postMessage, and is also relatively trivially breakable.


On Sep 10, 2009, at 5:29 PM, Drew Wilson wrote:

Good point - re-reviewing the Structured Clone spec, I see all kinds of crazy stuff is cloneable now, so string/JSON may not be a particularly good basis. It seems that we'll need to support File access from Workers, since you can clone/send those objects over from page context.

I had expected that having a common serialization format would be useful, but I agree - it probably is better to just send opaque objects around, which might enable WebKit to send actual cloned object instances without requiring any serialization, while chromium can do the serialization itself when sending the data cross-process.


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