In the discussion in bug 32831, Yong Li asked me why we are planning, in the 
future, to remove the global new/delete operator in the Mac OS X WebKit.

I decided it was worth answering here.

Why does WebKit override operator new/delete? Historically on Mac OS X we got 
faster performance by using a custom malloc in the WebKit framework. At some 
future date we may discover that we no longer get a performance boost from 
this, and change this on Mac OS X.

Ports to other platforms should not assume they need to use a custom allocator. 
It’s not a given that the FastMalloc code will be faster than using the 
platform malloc/free directly. But it was true in the first WebKit platform, 
Mac OS X, at the time.

On Mac OS X, WebKit overrides the global operator new and delete to accomplish 
this. That was a big time saver — it made all new and delete use the faster 
allocator without code changes to all the classes. This particular technique 
works well for frameworks on Mac OS X. The inlined new and delete operator 
functions are marked “private extern”, which means they are visible inside the 
WebKit umbrella framework, but not seen by programs loading the framework. As 
long as we don’t have any new/delete allocations that cross the boundary 
between WebKit and the host application or other frameworks, this works fine. 
The new/delete invocations inside WebKit use the global new/delete defined 
inside the framework and the new/delete invocations outside WebKit are not 

On some other platforms, though, this creates problems. An operator new and 
delete defined inside the WebKit library may not even work, depending on how 
C++ binds the symbols. The “private extern” extension may not work at all. Or 
the API for that platform might involve objects where the new is done inside 
the framework and the delete is done outside the framework. A simple solution 
would be to not override the global new/delete operator on those platforms.

But some contributors want to use a custom allocator even though the global 
new/delete operator technique does not work on the platform they care about. So 
they began the massive task of adding code so that all allocations in WebKit 
were done through the custom allocator without relying on global new/delete. 
This project, see <> began in 
2008. The check-ins to put it into practice began las April 
<>. We’ve still got a ways to go to get 
it deployed throughout the WebKit code.

To keep this code maintained properly, I propose that no platform rely on 
overriding the global new/delete operator inside WebKit once the work is 
complete. Instead I think we can use global new/delete operator as a debugging 
technique to make sure people remember to use FastAllocBase and fastNew/Delete 
rather than invoking the built-in C++ new/delete by accident. This has no 
direct benefit for the Mac OS X version of WebKit, but I believe it’s helpful 
for the community to use that platform to support the others that wish to do 

Yong Li also asked about standard library functions calling new and delete, 
specifically STL. I believe we have been avoiding calling these functions in 
WebKit, but I may be mistaken.

I haven’t discussed this tradeoff in detail with others at Apple, so I’m not 
absolutely certain what we’ll do in the Mac OS X version.

If you have any questions or concerns, please bring them up here.

    -- Darin

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