Your question is not about WebKit development, so it should be directed to webkit-help mailing list. I've answered below, but please choose a correct e-mail list in the future.

Please note that linking directly to WebCore is most definitely unsupported and extremely fragile. One should always be using platform- specific WebKit APIs.

On 17.02.2010, at 18:27, Steve Hanna wrote:

136     WebCore::XPathResult* xpr = doc->evaluate(query,
dynamic_cast<WebCore::Node*>(doc), NULL,

The XPathResult object is destroyed at this point, so the rest of the code operates on freed memory. One needs to keep the reference in RefPtr. Also, you don't need dynamic_cast when downcasting - and we build WebCore with RTTI disabled anyway.

RefPtr<WebCore::XPathResult> xpr = doc->evaluate(query, doc, 0, WebCore::XPathResult::UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, NULL, ec);

- WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov

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