On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Gavin Barraclough <barraclo...@apple.com>wrote:

> I believe a big problem that caused the extended periods of redness was the
> slowness of the Windows test queues.  These can lag badly behind the builds,
> making failures here very are easy to miss - having landed a large change,
> and waited to watch the waterfall stay green for an extended period of time,
> it was easy to be under the misapprehension that everything was okay.  Only
> later would I discover windows test had started to fail.  Clearly there is a
> lesson I've learned here, but maybe we can find some more hardware to throw
> at these queues, to help them avoid getting quite so far behind.

I also have had this problem many times. Throwing more hardware at it would
be great.

Also, maybe we could use one of the Windows test bots for the initial trial
of new-run-webkit-tests. Do we know how may cores are on those windows
machines? The improvement in running the tests will be roughly proportional
to the number of cores on the machine.

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