On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 11:39 PM, Eric Seidel <esei...@google.com> wrote:
> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Geoffrey Garen <gga...@apple.com> wrote:
>>> 2) Your patch can be vetted by the various bots that analyze patches
>>> posted for review.
>> True, if what you're really asking for is not just a bug report but also a 
>> "cooling off period" during which you wait for a result from the EWS bot, 
>> even if you get a review right away. You get greater value in the case of a 
>> bad patch, but also greater cost in the case of every patch.
> I'm not a big fan of the current delay.  We need to make the EWS
> cycletime shorter.  That said, I commonly see the Qt bot and Style
> bots cycle before I even get a chance to go pull up my bug URL to send
> it to someone.  The bots themselves are generally very quick (except
> windows), but they only poll every 5 minutes, which makes them feel
> slow.

We just need to spend the engineering effort to make this faster.
Instead of having all the bots poll Bugzilla every 5 minutes, we can
reduce the load and make everything faster by having only one bot poll
and then push the info to the other bots via some other channel (XMPP?
 IRC?).  That's probably an days worth of work.  If that's not fast
enough, we can have webkit-patch upload ping a server to kick off the
push events.

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