
On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 7:02 AM, Balazs Kelemen <k...@inf.u-szeged.hu> wrote:

>   Hi folks!
> While I worked on the Qt port of WebKit2, I faced with some build
> issues. To solve these problems it seems like common parts of WebKit2
> should change, that is why I thought that discussing them in the list
> would be useful.
> There are two main problem I see:
>  * Usage of precompiled header. Without using WebKitPrefix.h as a
> precompiled header it seems like includes are broken. The reason why I
> dislike precompiled header is that distcc does not support it.

It should not be necessary to use WebKitPrefix.h as a precompiled header, it
is only necessary for it to be used a prefix header.  Does discc also not
support prefix headers?

>  * Include paths. The common files in WebKit2 includes headers in the
> form #include <WebKit2/xyz.h> while the real place of the file is for
> example WebKit2/UIProcess/API/C/xyz.h. We can workaround the problem by
> copying headers into the build dir and set the includepath to contain
> it, but I do not think it is a good practice.
We should probably change the mac to have forwarding headers (as we do with
WebCore for JavaScriptCore) to avoid this.

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