> WebCore::LayoutTestController would be exposed to JavaScript running
> in LayoutTests directly (like the DOM), so we can skip the type
> conversions.
There might still be the need for some plumbing though. In the case of
DeviceOrientation and SpeechInput, we're mocking a client which is
provided by WebKit. Even though the mock implementation happens to
live in WebCore, it's instantiated and owned by the WebKit layer. So
in order for LayoutTestController to configure the mock (eg
layoutTestController.setMockOrientation(...)), we need to route calls
from the WebCore LayoutTestController up to WebKit. I guess you could
use a new LayoutTestControllerClient. I think you're right though that
this could be done without the need for type conversions, as none of
this is exposed in the WebKit API.

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