On Aug 29, 2010, at 4:39 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 4:16 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <m...@apple.com> wrote:
>> I'm not sure who objects to new features being added to Review Patch, but I 
>> don't like this change:
> There's a tention between folks who like line-by-line comments and
> (mostly) Darin, who likes the old Review Patch tool.  Darin likes the
> giant textbox with the whole diff.  I don't really understand, but I
> certainly have no wish to impede his use of the tools.
>> 1) I'm used to having the "click to add a comment" feature in Review Patch, 
>> and would miss it if it was gone.
>> 2) I think overloading "Formatted Diff" is wrong - it should remain a 
>> read-only view.
>> I think the main remaining problems with the Review Patch page are the 
>> inability to give comments with multiple lines of context, and the excessive 
>> amount of space dedicated to things that are not the patch.
> The other problem is that reviews get hard to follow really fast when
> folks reply to review comments and the existing line-by-line editing
> requires about twice as many clicks as it needs.  I don't have mockups
> to show, but what I had in mind was the following:
> 1) Use the whole page for the diff (basically remove the bottom half
> of the "Review Patch" screen).
> 2) When you're done writing line-by-line comments, show a lightbox
> that has the content that used to be at the bottom of the screen.
> That gives you a chance to enter high-level comments, read over your
> comments, and adjust the various flags.
> 3) The tools will then store the review in a comment, as before, which
> generates an email to the author of the patch.
> 4) The patch author can either read your review as a bugzilla comment,
> or they can look at the patch and the tool will show your comments
> inline in the diff where you wrote them.  The author can respond by
> adding more comments inline, which again are stored as bugzilla
> comments, etc.
> In this approach, you can also imagine integration with the style
> checker and the EWS bots.  The tools can show the style errors inline
> in the diff, as well as the compiler failures.  The view is more that
> the diff is a "living document" with a bunch of layers (some of which
> are editable).

That sounds like a good design to me. But it doesn't sound like a replacement 
for a read-only view of just the diff.

If you add the ability to show and hide the lightbox at any time, it might even 
be a reasonable replacement even for people who like to type their review 
comments by hand.

>> If changing the Review Patch page as needed would be too disruptive for some 
>> reason, I suggest using a new page instead of overloading "Formatted Diff".
> We can certain add these features under a new name, if you think that
> would be the least disruptive.  Sam already emailed me privately
> explaining how I broke one of his uses of the Formatted Diff, but I
> think I can fix that fairly easily by learning slightly more jQuery.
> I'm happy to build this off in a silo and then convince everyone how
> awesome it is once it actually is more awesome than the current tools.

I suggest you start by making it a new page, and then we can decide whether to 
remove any of the existing pages in favor of the new one.


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