On Aug 28, 2010, at 10:57 PM, Darin Adler wrote:

> We need Vector<OwnPtr> too. It has similar issues to HashMap with OwnPtr 
> values, including the ones mentioned by Maciej.
> For one example, look at CSSParser::m_floatingMediaQueryExpList.

Vector<OwnPtr> actually works[1], and I have an almost complete patch to fully 
OwnPtr-ize MediaQueryExp. The one problem is sorting - MediaQuery wants to sort 
the Vector<MediaQuery*> it gets with std::sort, followed by eliminating 
duplicates. A sort that solely uses swaps would work, but std::sort wants to 
make copies of the elements at times. I also tried to think of ways to cheat by 
copying to a vector of raw pointers and back, and it could be made to work with 
sufficiently aggressive use of leakPtr and adoptPtr, but at the cost of two 
extra copies. Yet another possibility is to use a hash to do the de-duping 
instead of sorting; I can't tell from context if the sorting is needed for any 
purpose other than subsequent de-duping.

If you can help me think of a good solution for this I'll post my patch.


[1] It works because:
(a) VectorTraits already takes care of all internal copies that are actually 
moves, by cheating and doing them with memcpy.
(b) Reads, and writes of an existing slot, all operate via a reference to the 
element type, so you can use -> or .get() on a returned element just fine, and 
you can assign in a PassOwnPtr<T> to an OwnPtr<T>&.
(c) append() and similar methods that add an element to a not-yet-existing slot 
all are templatized on the type of the element being added, so appending a 
PassOwnPtr works.

The Hash templates are more complicated, so they probably won't just work 
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