On Sep 16, 2010, at 6:25 PM, Ojan Vafai wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 10:33 AM, Darin Adler <da...@apple.com> wrote:
> 2) It’s kind of crazy that the review tool’s URL is "...&action=prettypatch". 
> It was nice of you to leave the old review tool unchanged, at least in part 
> to placate me, but you’re squatting on another feature’s territory! I think 
> we want a plain old formatted diff for other purposes. We need to get your 
> tool out of there!
> What's crazy about this? What are the other uses of the plain formatted diff 
> that aren't met by this? I agree with the new tool replacing the old one. I 
> just don't see the benefits of keeping both the new review tool and the 
> formatted diff page.

Sometimes you just want a formatted view of the patch. To give one example, 
Cmd+A Cmd+V does not do the right thing on this page for someone who just wants 
the patch. For another, the row of controls at the bottom may be distracting. 
In brief, sometimes you want "more" instead of "vi".

I do really like the layout of the new page. Seems like it will be really good 
for reviews. (Maybe the "Publish" button should be labeled "Preview" to reduce 
needless nervousness.)


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