There’s no simple recipe to tell us what to build into WebKit and what goes 
into client applications. Explicit support for search fields and API directly 
related to the configuration of browser search has been left out of WebKit up 
until this point.

Reasons for putting things into WebKit include things that have complicated 
interactions with other aspects of web technology, or are difficult to 
implement correctly and thus it’s good to share them among multiple WebKit 

There’s no principle that would forbid starting to put technologies in WebKit 
to help implement features like APIs to control the search field or even other 
search field related features such as Safari’s search field snap back feature. 
On the other hand, just because API is exposed to websites does not on its own 
justify putting the API into the engine.

I still stand my my original objection—this API should not go in WebKit at this 
time—but it’s not a simple black and white case of what can and can’t be in 

    -- Darin

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