Hi All,

I am working on the Gtk port of webkit and using GtkLauncher for some
experimentation and using a fairly recent WebKit version.

I am trying to add some code in webkit_web_view_expose_event (in
WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitwebview.cpp) which basically finds all
elements of a particular tag name, say "h1", using
getElementsByTagName(), change their style, paints them to a cairo
image surface, and then changes them back to the original style - the
additional code has been added after the existing code in the function
which paints the changes to the gtk window.

However, I wanted to know where and how is the
webkit_web_view_expose_event function triggered internally - as I
understand it could either be triggered from the windowing system if
there is some movement /scrolling dragging of window or internally if
something has changed and the page needs to be repainted - this second
invocation path I am unable to find. Could someone point me to the
right direction here ?

Thanks for all your help..

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