On Jan 5, 2011, at 8:38 AM, Patrick Gansterer wrote:

> Darin Adler:
>> On Jan 5, 2011, at 5:07 AM, Patrick Gansterer wrote:
>>> Is there a reason why we can't pass the "raw" data to libxml2?
>> Because libxml2 does its own encoding detection which is not even close to 
>> what’s specified in HTML5, and supports far fewer encodings. If you make a 
>> test suite you will see.
> Can you point me to the place of the XML encoding rules? After a short look 
> into the spec I didn't find something which applies to XML input encoding.
> AFAIK it's possible to teach libxml2 additional encodings.

I’m not sure where it is. I’ll let you know if I stumble on it later.

    -- Darin

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