The rebaseline server is checked in. has instructions on how
to use it, please let me know if anything is unclear.

Right now it only works well with local layout test results. I have a
patch up at that makes
it work with results from bots, but you still have to download the
results (zip file) from the bot yourself. Next patch after that will
hopefully do the downloading automatically.

In either case, you first have to land your patch, have the tests fail
(ideally, for bots that use NRWT you can pre-emptively add failing
expectations to test_expectations.txt), and then rebaseline. There's
still no easy to rebaseline ahead of time unless you have access to
machines that can build the various affected ports. Coordinating with
the (Chromium) gardener and other build cop-type people is helpful.


On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 2:22 AM, Adam Barth <> wrote:
> Unfortunately, we don't have a good solution to this problem at the
> moment.  Mihai can comment on the status of webkit-patch
> rebaseline-server, which is pretty awesome.  webkit-patch rebaseline
> is another option, but it's pretty bare-bones.
> Koz is working on a new rebaseline command to rule them all in
>, but I'm not sure it's
> ready quite yet.  His command will replace the exiting webkit-patch
> rebaseline command and possibly integrate with the rebaseline-server
> when its ready.
> Adam
> On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 1:21 AM, Yuzo Fujishima <> wrote:
>> Hi, webkit-dev,
>> I'm preparing a change (
>> that will require rebaselining 400+ tests per platform.
>> What is the best way to do the rebaselining? (My assumption is that
>> the rebaselining tool is only for Chromium port).
>> I can certainly handle my platform (Snow Leopard) by removing the
>> existing expectations and having run-webkit-test generate new ones.
>> But what should I do for other platforms?
>> Yuzo
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