
On 2011-02-15 17:50, Leandro Graciá Gil wrote:
>     Yes, the platform independent code in the device element will determine
>     if a selection has been made, or altered, in the list of available
>     devices
>     Provided by the platform. Before passing it to the device element, the
>     list can be filtered by the platform to exclude some entries for
>     whatever
>     reason. Selections can also be automatically applied without showing the
>     Device selector based on, e.g., stored preferences. The device element
>     will examine the list for selection changes to determine if a new device
>     handler should be created (and a change event dispatched).
>     Consider the following example:
>     1. The user clicks the device element button and a list of devices is
>        presented.
>     2. The user selects a webcam in the list and clicks OK.
>     *A new Stream is created*
>     3. The user once again clicks the device element button and the list
>        is presented with the webcam selected from before.
>     4. The user clicks OK.
>     *No new Stream is created*
>     5. The user once again clicks the device element button and the list
>        is presented with the webcam selected from before.
>     6. The user selects a microphone in the list and clicks OK.
>     *A new Stream is created*
>     This is the behavior that should be consistent between ports.
> I agree that this behavior should be consisted between ports. However,
> we seem to be missing a case here: what happens if the user wants to
> revoke access to a device in the middle of a streaming session? We need
> to be able to allow this case for obvious privacy reasons.

I agree that this is definitively something we need to consider, but perhaps
as a (near) future improvement. In fact, we have previously been discussing
how to revoke device access and came to the conclusion that it must be done
via the browser chrome since the device element can be removed from the page
as soon as access has been granted. A natural choice would be to combine
this with the mechanism for indicating that a camera/mic is active
(discussed in the initial device thread
That would however require additions to the WebKit API. We have left this
out in the first version, simply because it is not mentioned in the spec,
and prioritized to land an initial implemenation that could be used as a
basis for improvements. 

> We need a way to let the UA maintain the lifetime of Stream objects.
> These can be killed by the UA at any point (perhaps due to user action
> or hardware failure), so we need to specify what happens to these
> objects in such a case. We also need to design our implementation in a
> way that can handle this situation.
> As far as I know, and please correct me if I'm wrong, your proposed
> design doesn't provide the user a clear way to invalidate a stream if he
> wants to. The Stream's lifetime is something completely handled by the
> platform-specific client and with no presence at all in the common
> WebCore code. We think this should also be an essential part of the
> common behaviour across platforms.

The patch for bug 47264 does not contain anything related to Stream; it is
a device element only patch (bug 47265 is for the Stream API). We should
not confuse the lifetime of Stream objects (or any other device handler API)
with the API's way of handling errors (e.g. that its access to the device
has been revoked). Revoking access to a device should probably be handled in
the same way (in the device handler API) as physically unplugging the device. 

>     It will be up to the device handler API (e.g. Stream) and its potential
>     consumers to handle any errors that may occur. Exclusiveness for certain
>     types of devices being one type of error. Another error occurs when a
>     peripheral device is disconnected while in use. Even if you have
>     established a "connection" to the device via the device element,
>     handling such an error in the device handler API is still required since
>     it is not possible to revoke a device handler instance.
> I think this impossibility to revoke a device handler instance is
> currently the essence of our main divergence point, and something that
> should be discussed in the specification.

Let me clearify what I meant. It is not possible to revoke the actual instance
of the device handler. The device handler API would need to handle that it no
longer has access to the device it was created to control.

>     Do you see anything in our implementation that could not be easily
>     delegated? As I said before, I would be happy to make any changes that
>     would be required to implement the platform specific parts for Chromium.
> And we thank you for that, but before fixing any implementation details
> we think that the problem first needs to be discussed at the
> specification level.

According to Hixie, the specification is in a state where implementation
experience is needed to drive the spec forward. We should try to land the
initial implementation and then incrementally improve it.

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