On 3/4/2011 1:35 AM, Kenneth Rohde Christiansen wrote:
Hi again,

I'm trying to keep the canvas bitmap at the same pixel resolution as the
otherwise it is blurry.
OK, I see.

This, for example, works if the pixel ratio is 2.
<canvas style="width: 100px; height: 100px;" width="200"

Yes, when the user has a zoom level set, I'd like to paint to match the
pixel ratio,
so that, a zoomed in user still receives crisp output, instead of blurry
-webkit-device-pixel-ratio does not change when the user scaled the
content; it is a device value.

On old iPhone it is 1.0, on Android it can be 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5
depending on it being a low, medium (160) or high dpi (240) device. On
the iPhone 4 and the new iPod Touch it is 2.0.

On Android devices, with for instance, a device-pixel-ratio of 1.5,
you can disable the upscaling by adding target-densitydpi=device-dpi
to the viewport meta tag.

What you can do is to disable user scaling (add user-scaling=no to the
viewport meta tag) and then handle zooming in your app using the touch
events. This only works on mobile devices though.

I haven't debugged with enough tablet devices, such as the color kindle, to know how many webkit distros it works with.
What should I do about user zoom on the desktop (and possibly, the kindle) ?

Drawing in high res, just-in-case, makes for a poorer experience for users at a 1.0 ratio,
and asking users to slide a "sharpen" slider is a little awkward.

Mozilla, in their implementation, has setup device-pixel-ratio to scale when the user scales content; they directly expose window css pixel ratio value to trusted scripts, but not to web content; requiring
web content to use css device-pixel-ratio.

Microsoft has exposed the values through window.screen.

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