Hey Dominic,

Thanks for the feedback. I've been prototyping this idea here and it does 
included text searching as you mentioned. My philosophy was to put the search 
functionality right into the AccessibilityObject class and leave the job of 
exposing external APIs up to the experts of each platform save for Mac. In the 
Mac accessibility code I have this functionality exposed under 
accessibilityAttributeValue:forParameter: where the attribute one must pass is 

As for implementation details, I'd like to outline how a search is performed in 
my prototype for you. As I stated above, searching happens in the 
AccessibilityObject class. The function doing the heavy lifting takes an 
AccessibiltySearchPredicate which is just a simple data structure that holds 
the following:

An AccessibilityObject to search within.
An AccessibilityObject to start searching from (ex: search for X within object 
A but after object B).
A direction to search in.
A search type (link search, heading search, bold text search, etc).
Search text to look for.
Number of AccessibilityObjects to return.

This gives the flexibility to search for just text, or just elements, or both 
specific text but only within the scope of a specific search type. Thanks again 
for the initial feedback.

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