21.09.2011, в 10:56, Eric Uhrhane написал(а):

>> one can always move the mouse pointer to top of screen to get back their 
>> menu bar.
> Is that a Mac thing?

Yes, this is how fullscreen applications regularly work on OS X.

>  Mousing around in a fullscreen flash app on
> Linux or Windows 7 certainly doesn't pop up a menu bar when I hit the
> top.  And the way out is always to hit ESC [although there's often a
> button as well, depending on the application], so I'm not sure what
> the problem with fullscreen mouse lock would be.

I do not have recent knowledge of Linux, but my understanding is that Windows 
UI is undergoing a major redesign with Metro, so basing APIs largely on how 
Windows used to work up to version 7 may not be future proof.

- WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov

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