On 23/09/2011, at 4:38 AM, Eric Seidel wrote:

> I was actually considering removing ENABLE(FILTERS) since it seemed to
> be on everywhere.

Sorry to bring bad news, but Apple currently turns off ENABLE(FILTERS) on 
desktop and iOS. 

>  It would probably be better for us to remove it
> first and this feature to exist under its own define (if it even needs
> a define?).
> If you'll want folks to be able to turn this off w/o affecting their
> existing shipping configurations, you'd need a new define.  But I'm
> also not sure anyone will need to turn it off.  I leave that up to
> you. :)

I don't mind either way. I'll take this message as a suggestion to
add a new define, at least for the moment.


> -eric
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 11:30 AM, Dean Jackson <d...@apple.com> wrote:
>> Dirk (known in these parts as krit) reminded me that I had not emailed 
>> webkit-dev about the plans to start an implementation of W3C's new Filter 
>> Effects specification.
>> https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/FXTF/raw-file/tip/filters/publish/Filters.html
>> The quick summary is that this exposes the 'filter' property from SVG to 
>> everything in CSS, and adds some shorthands for common effects so people 
>> don't have to write XML in order to do something like a blur or sepia 
>> effect. The spec has received a fair amount of input from the CSS and SVG 
>> working groups, and particularly from Apple, Google, Mozilla, Opera and 
>> Adobe.
>> Here's the tracking bugzilla:
>> https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=68469
>> It will be protected by the existing ENABLE(FILTERS), unless someone has a 
>> good reason why this should be a new enabled feature name.
>> The implementation plan that I have in mind is:
>> - start with '-webkit-filter' only for HTML elements that supports something 
>> similar to the existing 'filter'
>> - implement more of the spec, including the shorthands
>> - expose '-webkit-filter' to SVG, but only if the existing 'filter' property 
>> is not set
>> - wait for the spec to progress, then drop the prefix
>> In parallel we'll also be looking at animation of these effects, plus 
>> hardware acceleration (open questions to how: OpenCL? Graphics3D? Core Image 
>> where available?)
>> Dean
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