On Oct 7, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Elliot Poger wrote:

> I was having problems with lots of image mismatches running WebKit layout 
> tests on a headless MacPro (10.6.8).  (The image diffs were very minor 
> adjustments in scroll bar shading.)
> Eventually, out of frustration, I tried running the same test on that 
> headless MacPro as well as my desktop MacPro (also 10.6.8).  The test 
> succeeded on my desktop MacPro but not the headless MacPro.
> One difference I have noticed is that the Display Profile (under System 
> Preferences > Displays > Color) is set to "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" (my desktop was 
> set to "Generic RGB Profile").  I tried setting it to "Generic RGB Profile" 
> on the headless machine, but when I closed and reopened System Preferences it 
> had reverted to "sRGB IEC61966-2.1".
> I tried setting the Display Profile on my desktop to "sRGB IEC61966-2.1", and 
> the color scheme was noticeably brighter... but when I ran layout tests 
> afterwards, I saw that layout tests automatically set the profile back to 
> "Generic RGB Profile" temporarily for the test.  When I run layout tests on 
> the headless MacPro, it seems that it fails to change the color profile (and 
> I don't see any error in the output of layout tests).
> I tried it on a headless Mac Mini (10.6.8) and there layout tests was able to 
> change to Generic RGB Profile (and thus the tests passed).
> For now, my fix is going to be: don't run layout tests on headless MacPros; 
> use headless MacMinis instead.  Is this a Known Issue?  Any suggestions?

I'm aware that there are color profile issues when running pixel tests, but I 
was not aware of differences between hardware.

We may be able to fix DumpRenderTree/WebKitTestRunner to change the color 
profile just for the test window, and not globally. I haven't tried that yet.

Finally, I've noticed some changes in color profile behavior on Lion, so if you 
try running tests there, you may see a new set of problems.


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