On 25/10/2011, at 3:13 AM, Dirk Schulze wrote:

>>> I'd like to know what the actual threat of such timing attacks are. I've 
>>> seen claims of a maximum theoretical leak rate (in bits/s) but then counter 
>>> claims that since, in this case, it would be hard to distinguish the 
>>> difference in slowdown between CSS shaders and general page rendering, that 
>>> the real rate is much lower. And, at least in the case of Safari, you can't 
>>> always be sure that getting a rAF callback means you're about to draw.
>>> Does anyone have hard data on this?
>> At a minimum, please do not land an implementation for this feature
>> without a way for ports that are concerned about this security feature
>> to disable it independently of both CSS_FILTERS and WEBGL.  Contrary
>> to your previous assertion, the security implications are quite
>> different than those with WebGL.

Sorry, I was assuming a WebGL that allowed input from 
canvasContext.drawElement. At that point I think they are close enough to call 
the same (no doubt I'm wrong! :) Even without drawElement, WebGL offers a lot 
of attack vectors.

> We already discussed the HW acceleration of SVG Filters on 
> https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70099 and the implementation of CSS 
> Filters earlier on this mailing list. We agreed that we will continue to use 
> the implemented software rendering as fallback for Filters. CSS Shaders won't 
> be included. Shaders should just be supported if HW acceleration is enabled. 
> And I think as a minimum consensus on bug 70099 most people on the thread 
> agreed to go on with GraphicsContext3D for now. In my opinion it means we 
> would have the same security concerns like on WebGL. That's also one reason 
> why I think that the WEBGL flag would match these needs quite well, even if 
> CSS Shaders rely just indirectly to WebGL. If the flag is not enabled, CSS 
> Shaders are deactivated (and ignored if web developers use them in their 
> filter chain) and Filters take the software rendering fallback.

Adam's point in the bug is that any operation that can access colour channels 
might be able to perform a timing attack. This would include SVG filters 
operating on HTML content without any hardware acceleration.

For this reason I'm still tempted to suggest the combination of CSS_FILTERS + 
WEBGL is enough of a switch for ports to disable this, but I'm happy to add 
another one.

I'm not sure at what point we should take the discussion from this list and 
onto bugzilla.


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