On 2/2/12 1:01 AM, Robin Berjon wrote:
> On Feb 1, 2012, at 11:02 , Soo-Hyun Choi wrote:
>> On 2/1/12 3:00 AM, Simon Fraser wrote:
>>> My comment was actually meant to be somewhat facetious, and intended to 
>>> reflect how arbitrary the new APIs are. Why support GamePad input, and not 
>>> TV remote control input? Why only deal with vibration on a mobile device, 
>>> and not other kinds of hardware feedback? I don't think they are good APIs.
>> Well, you are right in a sense that one may like to see some form of
>> unified API that can represent various hardware feedback, but I guess
>> that will take ages to be finalised at the W3C's point of view.
> If you're talking about full haptic feedback support, it's not just standards 
> that's the bottleneck (though it would indeed take a while) but also the fact 
> that it's a fast-moving innovation area that doesn't seem ripe for 
> standardisation just yet. Also, too few devices are currently equipped with 
> what it takes to make this interesting.

Absolutely - that's why I have said that this patch shouldn't be
questioned by the W3C's standard perspective at the particular moment.
As far as I understand, Simon's original suggestion was to take these
sort of APIs to W3C and come back later, which doesn't seem to be quite
reasonable per the reason we discussed.

> I expect that if this becomes a feature of devices that customers come to 
> expect and that is commonly put to good use, then there will be an API for 
> it. But I wouldn't hold my breath at this point.
>> In this respect, I'd like to assume that they are not simply arbitrary
>> APIs, but interesting ones that might be emerged into some other form(s)
>> later as W3C elaborates the spec standards.
> Yes, and not only are they not arbitrary but they are (hopefully) made to be 
> sufficiently orthogonal so as to be used together properly. If you search 
> through (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/) you'll find 
> a few occurrences of collaboration with the Gamepad team that ensure that you 
> can call navigator.vibrate() to get your primary device to vibrate, but also 
> gamepad.vibrate() with everything working the same as soon as you have a 
> handle on a gamepad.

Fully agreed - I didn't particularly insist it to be integrated in a
single abstract-level API that can be derived on usage basis. As you've
mentioned, I agree they can be orthogonal in terms of
usage/functionality, so it may not necessary at all to make them such way.

The whole point I am making here is that it looks quite worthwhile to
enable this vibration API in the WebKit trunk.

Kind regards,

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