On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 6:41 PM, Ojan Vafai <o...@chromium.org> wrote:

> I've recently been greening Chromium's expectations for css3/selectors3.
> ~10% of these test need interaction (e.g. hovering over a link or selecting
> text). Given that this is an imported test suite does it make sense to add
> the appropriate layoutTestController hooks? As it is, the tests aren't
> really verifying correctness.

That sounds great but can we make this change upstream on
http://hg.csswg.org/test/file/8ca008901be5/approved/selectors3 ?  It seems
like other vendors would benefit form this change as well.

Also, this test suite is a great example of one that I think it would make
> more sense for us to check in reftest expected results instead of
> png+rendertreedump. These tests are explicitly testing selector matching
> only, so it would be easy to write reftests that have a high confidence of
> accurately verifying correctness.

Again, can we do that upstream? It seems like adding reference files for
those tests will be valuable for other browser vendors as well, and people
working on these test suites really want feedbacks from browser vendors.

I assume Gecko needs reference files as well when they import this test
suite so it'll at least benefit Mozilla. And it'll be really silly if each
browser vendor invented their own reference files.

Doing it upstream also have a benefit of making the effort visible to test
authors, who might be able to give us valuable feedbacks.

- Ryosuke
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