On 5/31/12 7:55 PM, "Maciej Stachowiak" <m...@apple.com<mailto:m...@apple.com>> 

On May 31, 2012, at 5:51 PM, Jacob Goldstein 
<jac...@adobe.com<mailto:jac...@adobe.com>> wrote:

I haven't found that to be the case for the tests I have written for each 
suite, the output from testharness can be as simple as "PASS" or "FAIL", or 
include additional debug information defined by the test author.  That being 
said, my experience is likely more limited than yours.  Peter Linss, who wrote 
and maintains the W3C testharness, would likely be open to suggestions for 
improvement if there is anything specific that we want to change.

The source is more verbose. The output is uglier and less clear, at least by 
default. "PASS" and "FAIL" is not as good as what our test driver does by 
default, because you can't as easily tell what passed or failed or why. Our own 
harness tells you the expression the test evaluated that failed, and what the 
expected result was, so it's much quicker to debug a failure.

I have given my feedback to James Graham before, including showing him how our 
test harness works. At the time, he was not open to making changes, in part 
because of details of Opera's internal testing setup and in part because "eval 
is evil". I really would rather not reduce all our DOM tests to the 
Opera-driven level of source legibility and output quality.

Let me give you an example. This zip file contains an actual w3c test case, and 
a webkit-style conversion of the same test:

I understand your concern, however the example you attached doesn't use the W3C 
testharness to make assertions.  Instead, it is using a custom assertEquals 
method from the file domtestcase.js.  The output from this example appears to 
be totally defined by the test author.

In the attached zip I added a new file, anchor_href-w3c_EDITED.html, that uses 
testharness and shows the results from its assert_equals method.  I think these 
results are more inline with what you want – i.e. the default results include 
both the actual and expected values for the assertion that failed.  If you 
launch this file, the output from testharness appears at the bottom of the 
page.  The rest of the content is from the original test file.

For example, the output from the failing test, using testharness.js, is as 

FAIL Test that a href attribute contains search string assert_equals: Optional 
debug info. expected 
but got 

Two portions of the output above is defined by the test author and so can be 
customized or omitted altogether.  The test name or description, i.e. "Test 
that a href attribute contains search string" , and the debug message "Optional 
debug info.".  These fields can be made to show anything, including the 
expression being evaluated, if so desired.

By default, testharness outputs "FAIL" and the actual and expected value for 
any assertion that fails.

Compare this to the output from your example using js-test-pre.js:

FAIL document.getElementById('anchor_5').getAttribute('href') should be 
Was http://www.anothersite.com/path/page.htm?parameter=this%20is%a%20parameter.

And the two look much more similar.  That is not to say that testharness 
couldn't benefit from some tweaks, but I think the results are closer to what 
we already have than demonstrated by your example.

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