This change looks reasonable for me.

I hope the client interface to be extracted from ChromeClient to its own.
ChromeClient is like a zoo of ifdefs, which modularization effort has
aimed to improve.
(I don't think we need to split the implementations of ChromeClient:
they can implement both interfaces)

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Gyuyoung Kim <> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I wonder whether protocol handler is able to be moved to the modules. I was 
> told that protocol handler belonges <Current Non-Modules Using Module-Related 
> Techniques for Loose Coupling>
> == Current Non-Modules Using Module-Related Techniques for Loose Coupling ==
> devicemotion
> deviceoritentation
> fileapi
> html
> notifications
> protocolhandler
> speechinput
> svg
> webgl
> websql
> workers
> xml
> <>
> However, it seems to me protocol handler is now self-contained except for an 
> interface which supports port implementation. In intents case, it also has 
> similar interface in FrameLoaderClient.h.
> Is there any reason that protocol handler can't be moved to the modules ?
> I filed a bug for this and submitted a patch.
> Cheers,
> Gyuyoung.
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