On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 12:29 PM, Dirk Pranke <dpra...@chromium.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 12:13 PM, Darin Adler <da...@apple.com> wrote:
>> I’d prefer an directory-based overlay/inheritance approach to sharing 
>> WebKit1- vs. WebKit2-specific expectations over in-file keywords. I’d like 
>> to share more than just a central expectations file, so we could share 
>> expected results or even WebKit1 or WebKit2-specific tests.
> We pretty much have this today (with platform/wk2 and
> platform/mac-wk2). You're saying you'd prefer to add platform/wk1,
> platform/mac-wk1, platform/mac-lion-wk1, and platform/mac-lion-wk2
> if/where necessary (and no keywords), right?

One specific example to motivate this ... imagine a test that we want
to skip everywhere except current (and future) mac wk2. This would
require a Skip in platform/mac/TestExpectations, a Pass in
platform/mac-wk2/TestExpectations, and then a Skip in (a newly
created, since we don't currently have this)

-- Dirk
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