On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 8:00 AM, Kui Zheng <kuii.zh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was trying to accelerate path filling using stencil buffer, For
> antialiasing, we rely on GPU multisampling.
> So, I want to know Does webkit support Multisampling for accelerated
> 2D Canvas? how to switch on it?
> Thanks for you help.

I believe the details of this depend on which port you're using.

For Chromium, the graphics layer is Skia, and you can get a more targeted
answer on the skia-discuss mailing list.
However, Chromium already uses the stencil buffer for some path rendering,
and we've found it to be considerably *slower* than a software
implementation in common web use cases.

Tom  (from the right email address this time)
webkit-dev mailing list

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