On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Adam Barth <aba...@webkit.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 10:44 PM, Alexander Pavlov <apav...@chromium.org>
> wrote:
> > On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 5:36 AM, Dana Jansens <dan...@chromium.org>
> wrote:
> >> On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 8:28 PM, Adam Barth <aba...@webkit.org> wrote:
> >> > On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 7:16 AM, Alexander Pavlov <
> apav...@chromium.org>
> >> > wrote:
> >> >> I'm working on emulating the device scale factor with Web Inspector.
> My
> >> >> goal
> >> >> is to let web developers see their pages on "normal" (device pixel
> >> >> ratio ==
> >> >> 1) monitors the way they would look on e.g. retina screens.
> >> >> Page::setDeviceScaleFactor() is not something we can use, since it
> will
> >> >> have
> >> >> the reverse effect when used by platform-specific compositor code
> >> >> (which I
> >> >> saw on Chromium, and its compositor is far from being ready for such
> >> >> abnormal treatment.)
> >> >
> >> > I'm not sure I fully understand what you're trying to accomplish.  Is
> >> > the developer using a high density screen or a low density screen?
> >
> > A low density screen is used (that's what I meant by "normal" (device
> pixel
> > ratio == 1) monitors"). Imagine two 24" monitors, one high-density (H)
> and
> > one low-density (L), standing next to each other. I want any page to be
> > rendered exactly the same both on H and L monitor. So, @media and image
> set
> > elements should be chosen as if L monitor were H, but then the respective
> > images/glyphs/whatever downscaled to match the visible size of the same
> > items in the H monitor.
> I'm not sure I understand.  L has fewer pixels than H.  It's not clear
> how two things can render exactly the same given that they'll render
> using a different number of pixels.

I mean the user-perceived image, where one L's pixel covers a square of
four H's pixels.

> > Naturally, but I would prefer not to touch the compositor code, as it is
> > currently converging to the hardware-accelerated Ash implementation, and
> > it's going to take a while until the dust settles down.
> That's not really a good reason to pick an inferior design.

Agree. Assessing the design and picking the best approach was the original
goal of my post.

> >> > In general, though, trying to shim this feature into WebCore isn't
> >> > likely the right approach.  For WebKit2, for example, both the UI
> >> > process and the web process need to agree about the device pixel ratio
> >> > or else the system gets confused about how big various regions of
> >> > memory ought to be.  If you look at how we test high density rendering
> >
> > That's one reason why I do not want to fiddle with ACTUAL device pixel
> > ratios (the same holds for the WebCore and compositor code in Chromium;
> the
> > compositor code in desktop Chromium (non-Ash) is not ready to see
> anything
> > other than 1 as device pixel ratio (WebViewImpl::setPageScaleFactor() has
> > the following comment, "Don't allow page scaling when compositor scaling
> is
> > being used, as they are currently incompatible.")).
> What value do you want to return from window.devicePixelRatio?  If
> you're going to return 1 on L but 2 on H, then the two are unlikely to
> render similarly as JavaScript on the page is likely to branch (or
> select subresources) based on that value.

Right, so this should... or now, shouldn't, be instrumented, too...

> >> > on low density machines, you'll see that we override the device's
> >> > actual pixel density via the WebKit/WebKit2 API.  That's to avoid this
> >> > confusion.
> >
> > Yes, this is exactly my scenario - render pages on low-density (DPR==1)
> > monitors as if they were high-density (DPR==2 or something else.) So, if
> the
> > device's actual pixel density is overridden in WebKit/WebKit2, will
> glyphs
> > and images get 2x bigger than those without the override?
> >
> > My goal is to have them visually remain the same size (because 1 CSS
> pixel
> > should still correspond to 1 device pixel, as DPR==1 for low-density
> > screens) along with the @media rules and -webkit-image-set elements (and
> > perhaps some other things) appropriate for DPR==2 taking effect
> (downscaling
> > larger 2x DPR images where applicable, so that they will look as if they
> > were rendered on a high-density screen.) Do you think this can be
> emulated
> > through the page settings, same was as the touch emulation
> > (WebCore::Settings::setTouchEventEmulationEnabled()) instead?
> That's a super strange rendering mode.

Well, it turned out to work well for me, since all layout was done using
the correct DPR (corresponding to the device), but still, the resources and
media queries chose the right resources/styles, so the page looked as if it
were displayed on a retina.

> >> >> I took the approach of instrumenting the WebCore/css and WebCore/page
> >> >> code
> >> >> relying on the page->deviceScaleFactor() value. This worked pretty
> >> >> well, and
> >> >> you can see the respective patch at
> >> >> https://bugs.webkit.org/attachment.cgi?id=172046&action=prettypatch
> >> >> (https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=100762), but now I'm
> wondering
> >> >> if
> >> >> there are better ways to implement this without instrumenting lots of
> >> >> page->deviceScaleFactor() call sites.
> >> >>
> >> >> Comments, ideas, suggestions, please?
> >> >
> >> > If you want to see how this is done in Chromium, you might want to
> >> > study the --device-pixel-ratio command line flag.  In general, I don't
> >> > think you want to try to implementing this feature by hacking WebCore
> >> > as it requires coordination beyond WebCore to do correctly.
> >
> > What if I try implementing this in a way that does not require any
> > coordination beyond WebCore? I mean, overriding everything Web-related
> only
> > in WebCore, but without requiring anything on the platform-specific part.
> I don't think a WebCore-only implementation will be very high quality.
>  It might be a convenient hack, but it's not the right way to
> implement this feature.
> Based on what you've described, it sounds like you should use
> --force-device-scale-factor=2 and actually render to a 2x backing
> store.  Then, once you've got the 2x backing store, you should
> downsample it to match the actual resolution of the monitor.  I
> suspect we do something like that in the multimonitor case when a
> window is overlapping both a high density and a low density display.
Yes, I know this is THE right solution, but we have lots of requests from
DevTools users, so I've been looking for ways to implement the feature on
top of the existing and working code.

> > I've been in touch with aelias for over half a year, and his latest
> advice
> > was to abstain from using this flag (or modifying
> > page->setDeviceScaleFactor(), or touching the compositor :-) ) on
> something
> > other than Ash for at least a few quarters more, until the Chromium
> > compositor code converges to the implementation used by Ash (that's what
> I
> > implied by saying that "its compositor is far from being ready for such
> > abnormal treatment"). Until then, event-handling code will still handle
> > physical rather than emulated mouse pointer coordinates, so the page
> > interaction will be completely broken, and you will see lots of
> > noise/garbage rendered where inapplicable.)
> That might mean you should hold off on this feature until the
> compositor is able to support it.  Hacking this into WebCore isn't
> going to produce a high quality implementation.

Got it, thanks for consulting!

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