I believe we also want to keep the unprefixed versions using the
current behavior.

Do you intent to keep these?


On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Alexis Menard <ale...@webkit.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to announce that I will start the work to unprefix CSS
> Animations, Transitions and Transform. It may sounds quick to do but
> it's not, there are few things to do before we can unprefix and
> unleash them to the world (e.g. -webkit-perspective accept valueless
> number but perspective doesn't) and we need to make few fixes to do to
> make sure we are compliant with the spec while keeping the behaviour
> as-is for the current unprefixed version. Also there is few
> unimplemented things.
> The bug is tracked here : https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=93136
> In the following days I will add new bugs as blocker to this one to
> track the work left to do. If you think of something missing feel free
> to open a new bug and mark is as blocker for 93136. Please put a
> detailed description on the bug.
> I will land the work behind a feature flag
> on the name :), I believe three feature flags for that is overkill)
> enabled by default on trunk as it is important for me to get the bots
> running the code. You can turn off the feature in your release
> branches up until the work is done (maybe afterwards we should even
> remove the feature flag).
> Thanks.
> --
> Software Engineer @
> Intel Open Source Technology Center
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Kenneth Rohde Christiansen
Senior Engineer, WebKit, Qt, EFL
Phone  +45 4093 0598 / E-mail kenneth at webkit.org

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