On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 11:53 AM, Jon Lee <jon...@apple.com> wrote:

> Also, it looks like if a platform enables ENABLE_LEGACY_NOTIFICATIONs, not
> only do they get support for the old webkitNotifications API, but also some
> of the old API (like show() and cancel()) is exposed on the new
> Notifications objects, because we share the same interface for
> webkitNotifications and Notifications. Do we care (will this make it harder
> to eventually turn off ENABLE_LEGACY_NOTIFICATIONS since web apps may start
> using those APIs on the new Notifications objects)?
> I expect most people look for tutorials on the web, or read the spec,
> rather than feel their way through a new API by inspecting the JS object. I
> also believe there are hardly any cases of people using the old API with
> the new Notification object. Once the evangelism sites have updated their
> code samples, it should clarify any confusion.

Yeah, that probably makes sense. I guess the only concern would be future
unexpected interactions between the new Notifications code and the
(unintentionally) exposed APIs (ala the issue addressed by r140927). But
looking at the interface I don't really see anything that seems
particularly troublesome.
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