On Feb 9, 2013, at 10:11 AM, Adam Barth <aba...@webkit.org> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 8:19 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <m...@apple.com> wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2013, at 2:33 PM, Darin Fisher <da...@chromium.org> wrote:
>> I would recommend minimizing the re-architecture of WebCore as you are in 
>> the early stages of upstreaming.  It seems like you already have a working 
>> port that you could simply upstream.  You could then work with others in the 
>> community to introduce new concepts to WebCore with the full disclosure of 
>> code as an aide to the process.  Another option might be to open source the 
>> entire thing as a branch somewhere.
>> After the initial upstreaming or sharing of code is complete, you could then 
>> catalog all of the warts.  The fact that isMainThread returns true when 
>> called on more than one thread would be one such wart.  I can imagine a meta 
>> bug tracking all of these warts.  This would make it a lot easier for others 
>> to understand the overall change in direction needed for WebKit to properly 
>> support the iOS port.
> That's approximately what we're planning to do. We are upstreaming 
> incrementally, starting with simple pieces, and documenting issues. The bug 
> that sparked this thread was a relatively change to isMainThread(), plus a 
> function rename, and we are no longer asking for the function rename. It will 
> likely be a dozen line patch touching a single mac/ios-specific file.
> We'd really like to fully upstream the simpler components like WTF (where the 
> changes are all simple and targeted) even if we can't as easily do WebCore 
> (where there may be more complex and controversial diffs).
> From what you've said, it sounds like this issue doesn't apply to WebKit2 on 
> iOS. 

(1) What WebKit2 on iOS? We have not announced or shipped such a thing. The 
code used by MobileSafari, and by third party apps like the embedded browser in 
Twitter, or Chrome for iOS is a WebKit1 based port.

(2) You might reasonably guess that WebKit2 on iOS is a plausible future 
direction. If we did do it, then as on Mac we would consider it a requirement 
for it to use the same binaries for WebCore and lower (though we'd turn off the 
Web Thread at runtime).

> Perhaps we should focus on merging WebKit2 into trunk and delay having to 
> worry about running WebCore on multiple interlocking threads.

This suggestion is approximately equivalent to "let's not merge yet", for 
reasons stated above.

There are certainly pros and cons to merging. It would be great get input from 
the broader WebKit community on the tradeoff of merging sooner vs avoidance of 
weird legacy code in the main tree. In the meantime, we'll stick to merging 
things that are not overly controversial as much as we can.


P.S. "Running WebCore on interlocking threads" is a needlessly scary way to 
describe what iOS WebKit does. There is no complex fine-grained locking or 
actual parallel execution. It's more like what would happen if you ran WebKit 
on a GCD dispatch queue or a thread in a userspace M:N threading library, 
instead of on an underlying OS-level thread (really it's a restricted subset of 
that). As such, it has very little impact on WebCore and below. Mainly it just 
requires that the threading primitives have an appropriate platform 
implementation on iOS.

For anyone interested in learning more about this, I think Ben had the best 
high-level explanation: <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=109071#c14>. 
We can also provide more detail if desired.

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