I'm assuming that we agree that JavaScript must evolve to leverage the 
hardware's power stingy parallelism. For completeness there seems to be the 
following approaches. 
1)      Add nothing to the language and rely on increasingly sophisticated 
compilers to detect opportunities to safely parallelize computations within the 
current semantics. 
2)      Add methods to Array that provide parallel semantics. 
3)      Add syntax and keywords such as parallelFor to introduce parallelism.
4)      Add a parallel type (ParallelArray) and associated methods that provide 
parallel semantics.

The _nothing_ approach would have to deal with array methods, such as map and 
reduce, that have sequential semantics. For example reduce is really reduce 
right (or fold right) and these semantics defeat parallelization. For example 
the EIC signature for the function/closure passed to reduce assumes E === C[I] 
but the value E could be the result of previous invocation of the function.  
This approach seems to be strictly worse than the methods approach. A similar 
nothing approach is to analyze loops to mechanically discover opportunities for 
parallelization. While there exists decades of literature that have been full 
of optimism the reality is that this approach has not achieved wide spread 

The _methods_ approach side steps the semantics issue raised in the nothing 
approach but does not compose well with the original methods. For example Array 
has several inherently sequential  methods, such as push and pop, that do not 
have a reasonable parallel semantics since they force mutation. 
That said this approach has its proponents. Nico 
suggested that we add unorderedMap and unorderedReduce to indicate that the 
scheduling of the computation be unordered. While the idea is compelling on the 
surface it is likely to lead to the development of algorithms that are at first 
sequential and then hacked to make them parallel. This approach will impede the 
goal of having programmers develop parallel algorithms and the appropriate 
parallel data structures. The methods approach would miss a real opportunity 
here to move programmers away from the sequential models and on to parallel 

The _syntax_ approach suggests that we follow the lead of Amp and add 
parallelFor and siblings to JavaScript. This approach seems to suffer from not 
being backwardly compatible and like the methods approach misses an opportunity 
to move programmers away from their sequential mindset.

The _parallel type_ approach provides a clear separation from the semantics of 
Array and in doing so does a much better job of encouraging programmers to 
build parallel algorithms and data structures instead of attempting to 
parallelize sequential algorithms. The contract between the programmer and the 
system can be better defined if ParallelArray exists independently of Array and 
the two prototypes could develop independently. That is not to say that we 
shouldn't follow the principle of least surprise and leverage the programmer's 
familiarity with the Array methods signatures. For example the kernel/callback 
function should follow the same conventions found in the Array.map signature 
such as the call back (kernel) function formals being element, index, array.

Furthermore the parallel type approach is a clear indication to the SDE and JIT 
implementers that the programmer wishes to execute this code in parallel. The 
SDE will be able to assist the programmer when they don't follow the contract, 
for example by throwing when it encounters a kernel with side effects. While 
the parallel type approach could be implemented on top of the methods or even 
the syntax approach information about the intent of the programmer would be 
lost to the JIT and the SDE. In summary the real value in adding ParallelArray 
as its own type is that it helps move the developer structure his programs and 
choose his algorithms with parallelism in mind and convey that intent clearly. 

- Rick
webkit-dev mailing list

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