Three suggestions:

1) If you find a bug in some part of WebKit (JSC or elsewhere), you should file 
it on  webkit-dev isn't really the right venue for bug reports.

2) You should be more specific - in the bug report that you will file and not 
in this thread - about what port you're using.  Version "1.6.3" is ambiguous, 
to me.  There are a number of ports that support ARM, and it's not clear to me 
which you're using.  Hence, I don't even know how old "1.6.3" is, because I'm 
not familiar with the versioning that the different ports do.

3) Your best bet is probably to update to a newer version, and see if the bug 


On Apr 29, 2013, at 10:15 PM, developer World <> wrote:

> Hi,
>   I am using the 1.6.3 release (an old one) for my development and get a 
> crash while loading and related to JS function 
> apply having an incredibly large number of arguments)  
> My processor is ARM 11 based and the smaps of the crash point me to the 
> location where the JIT has dumped the bytecode for excuting various JS 
> functionality. 
> From the looks of it, the issue I face is very similar to this one 
> however, since I am on an old 
> version it is difficult for me to fix it in my JSC. Can anyone help me out 
> over here as to where should I patch my JSC source code
> Thanks 
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