On 05/02/2014 13:16 , Lukasz Bialek wrote:
What do you think about it? Is it worth paying some time for importing
those tests and then aligning WebKit with W3C specification?

Depending on the amount of energy you're willing to dedicate to this, the ideal option could well be to import those tests into the web-platform-tests repo and then into WebKit.

Note that I've heard reports in the past that some browsers tried to align with the spec but couldn't. The problem is that many of the discrepancies are difficult to feature-detect so that an awful lot of rich text editing code out there branches off UA identification. As a result, fixing bugs that bring browsers more in line with one another breaks the Web.

I'd love to hear indication that this is less of a SNAFU than previously reported. If not we might be stuck and in need of a more radical solution.

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/ - @robinberjon
webkit-dev mailing list

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