I don't think the problem is big enough to justify ASSERT_TAG.

Why not just add FIXME with some explanations and a link to the bug number?


On 11/6/14 12:34 PM, Said Abou-Hallawa wrote:
When the logical expression in the ASSERT is changed, you should do the 

-   ASSERT_TAG(condition, “abcde”);
+  ASSERT(new_condition);

Then the pre-build tagging tool will generate a new tag for the new assertion:

+  ASSERT(new_condition, “fghij”);

So the assertions do not get messed up with Bugzailla.

The pre-build tool runs periodically only on Bot, maybe once every day and only 
on the touched files since it was last run.  Then it commits only the changed 
files because of tagging.  This should not add much to the build process.

Both ASSERT and ASSERT_TAG should be supported.  Since the developer should 
only add ASSERT and leave the tagging for the pre-build tagging tool.

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